Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lit Circles - Any Ideas?

Lit circle time is coming up. I'm compiling a list of books from which you get to select a book to read (in small groups). Here's the thing: I want to pick books you're going to be interested in. So I'm looking for ideas. Now, one rule is that no one can select a book they're already read, so I'm NOT looking for titles of books you've already read and enjoyed. Instead, I'm hoping you'll take a look at a few lists and tell me which one or ones look good to you.

Here's what I'm asking you to do...Click on the following links, take a look at the books and tell me what you like in the comments section.  I can't guarantee that we'll pick it (due to length, difficulty, appropriateness, etc.), but at least it will be a step in the direction of getting you to read a book you WANT to read...

The lists come from the Alex Awards. "The Alex Awards are given to ten books written for adults that have special appeal to young adults, ages 12 through 18." The page you'll be directed to has this year's winners listed. Lower on the page, it also has links to the winners of previous years. Check out as many as you can and let me know what you think.

Oh yeah, one more thing. No books that have been made into movies. Sorry.

The lists are here.


  1. Some books that look cool in the lists of nominees include:
    2006- Upstate by Kalisha Buckhanon, Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
    2005- Thinner Than Thou by Kit Reed
    2003- One Hundred Demons by Lynda Barry
    2007- The World Made Straight by Ron Rash

  2. I looked at some of the books but i dont really read so i didn't find much interest in much but i talked to my friends and she recomended me a book named Battle Royal. She said how great it was so i looked it up and founf id very intersting. It was written in Japan and has been translated into english here. I think people should look at it and i would assume everyone would enjoy it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Royale

  3. Interesting books in my opinion include (in order of personal preference)
    City of Thieves- 2009
    Just After Sunset: Stories- 2009
    Genghis: Birth of an Empire- 2008

  4. From the list, i thought some books that looked interesting were:
    1. The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope-2009
    2. The Magicians-2009
    3. City of Thieves-2009

  5. 2009 - Sharp Teeth
    2009 - City of Thieves
    2007 - The World Made Straight
    All those books sounds interesting to me

  6. i heard the kite runner was an amazing book and id definitely be interested in reading it.

  7. Some books that looked interesting to me are:

    2009- The Good Thief
    2009- Mudbound
    2006- Never Let Me Go
    2004- Kite Runner
