Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How Modern Macbeth?

The entry is for period 1 and 2 students.

Here it is...ready?

Is Macbeth a 21st century text? Why or why not?

The quesiton may sound simple, but there's a lot of layers here to peel apart:
  • What is a "21st century text"? We need to define our term.
  • In what aspects are we discussing Macbeth? Plot? Themes? Poetry? Culture?
  • In what ways is it still relevant?
  • Does it still resonate with audiences?
  • Can audiences still learn and grow from reading it? How so?
There's a lot here to discuss. Don't make the mistake of not taking time to consider the magnitude of what the question is really asking.

Also, feel free to make this a back-and-forth discussion.


  1. When reading Macbeth many people believe that it is not a 21st century text, but when you break down the text word for word you can find that there is a resemblance between now and then. Macbeth is about symbolism and meaning, and when you break down the real meaning of the text you can find it can resemble something now in life. Malcolm tries to convince Macduff that it is time to revenge and get back at Macbeth and says, “Be this the whetstone of your sword. Let grief convert to anger. Blunt not the heart enrage it” (IV.iii.268-269). This quote is talking about how it is time for Macduff to realize how horrible Macbeth is and he needs to become confident and destroy Macbeth for the better of his country. This quote can relate to the 21st century because we are in war and even though many people believe it is horrible they need to realize it is to better not only themselves, but the whole country. Even though Macbeth might be a play that is very old it is still important to read it because it shows symbolism to life now in the 21st century, and it can teach you about life and what to do when you are in a bad or good situation.

  2. Macbeth is for sure a 21st century text. The themes are still used in film today. Macbeth has: guilt, betrayal, death, love, revenge, and action. Find something up there that isn't in movies today. It even has the happy ending. Macbeth is a universal and adaptive story but with all the other movies out there with the themes above it is near impossible to get something from Macbeth. But people could still understand appreciate the skill and beauty that comes from Macbeth, even today.

  3. I'd say a 21st century text is something that can be read, and understood in the 21st century. Macbeth is definitely a 21st century text because we can still read it today and identify with it. The themes of the play are prevalent in todays books and movies. You see a lot of movies about how guilt drives people insane

  4. It is hard for people to determine what is and what isn't a 21st century text because we live in it everyday and we have no other century we have relate with our experience. But if i would have to guess what a 21 century text is I would say it something we can relate to. The theme of the play, so far, some what shares themes with other movies and plays; take down the bad guy. Just because the time the play takes place in does not mean we can not learn a thing or two out of it. For example, this play is mostly about if you can really trust people or not. Macbeth betrays Banquo and Duncan but Macduff and Malcolm come together.

  5. A person that lives in the 21st century has more to read from than a person who lives in the past. Everyone in today's world has so many books to choose from that they can read. Text has been changing from one century to the other ever since it started. The text in the 21st century is more simple than the text used from other centuries. Anyways, Macbeth does consider to be a 21st century text to me because it still persuades the same ideas from other centuries ago. The ideas that are used in Macbeth are still used today in movies, literature, and tv. Every quote in Macbeth has a signifance to our text in the 21st century. Audiences who read Macbeth will still understand what the meaning of the text is. By reading Macbeth audiences can grow from Macbeth and still understand what the text means in the future. Text from other centuries will never disappear because it still is used with text from this century.

  6. 21st century text is something that is going on right now in the world we are living in.It is modern times. Macbeth is not a 21st century text because it uses old technology that we do not use today. For example, Macbeth kills Duncan with a dagger instead of a gun. In todays world most people do not get killed with a dagger. Another reason why it is not 21st century is because in todays world the police would be more involved and this killing would be put to a stop by the police not by the army. It may not be a 21st century text but we can still find significance in the text because we can relate to the past. Things that happen in the past still happen today just in a more sophisticated way. They do not have to happen now for us to understand the emotion they are going through. A person can read something that happend a long time ago and still relate to it.

  7. Once you get past the old english style of writing, Shakespeare's literature is timeless. A 21st century text in my opinion is something that one can relate to in their own life. I think Macbeth can definately be compared to a 21st century text in many different respects. The themes in Macbeth are very similar to those in movies and plays today such as trajedy, betrayal and violence. In most action movies today, the motive is to bring the bad guy down, the same way that the english army along with Malcolm and Macduff are trying to do to Macbeth. Writings from Shakespeare will always be read and there are some significant ideas in the play Macbeth that are present in our everyday life such as a feeling of guilt and the desire for revenge. Although the audiences may be more sophisticated now,this play that was written over 400 years ago is still read and watched by many people.

  8. Many people may consider Shakespeare old fashion, and definatley not a 21st century writer. Yet, in my own opinion i feel that Shakespeare had alot of 21st century thoughts and ideas in his plays. In Macbeth for instance Shakespeare uses 21st ideas such as guilt, betrayal, and love. All three of those ideas are still currently used in modern day 21st century Hollywood. His work might've been written 500 years ago, but his writings still have the same meaning now as they did then.

  9. A 21rst century text is a piece of literature that the audience can relate to, and grow as a person from, the teachings and ideas that the author has written in the text. The story of Macbeth includes ideas and actions that have been around since the dawn of man kind, for example love, hate, betrayal, death/murder, deception, honor, and pride. These are all things that are depicted in the play Macbeth, and are still happening within the lives of each and every person in the world today. There are many ways in which the audience can grow from reading this play, for example a person will learn that when they start to see floating daggers, then are being attacked by the, “heat-oppressed brain” (II.i.51).

  10. I think that 21st century text is anything that has to do with the modern era. It has to deal with the technology, the language, the art, and the entertainment. Macbeth is defiantly outdated with the storyline and the culture but the poetry and the themes are still very relevant. Even though people cannot relate to Macbeth murdering a king to become king, people can relate to the guilt and shame that Macbeth felt throughout the book. So in the very literal sense Macbeth is not up to date in his language, and his metaphors but if a person were to read between the lines and get the deeper of the book they will find it easy to relate to. I defiantly feel that audiences can still grow and learn from reading this book. It has a very timeless meaning to it any person at any age can relate in some way or another.

  11. Just from looking at the words of Macbeth, you would think that it isnt a 21st century text.Obviously you dont really run into people that talk like this anymore. But using words that we use now and replacing them with words that Macbeth uses you would see that there isnt really much of a diffrence. Because half the stuff that went on in it can happen today.

  12. Macbeth is am older text, the writing style is very old, and the culture is too different, For example the politicians in Macbeth say inapropriate things to one another and to other people, nowadays this is unacceptable. I will agree thou that thee emtions are still present such as greed and coruption, for example look at former governer Robert Blagojevich. THough these emotions are still present they only exist on a small scale.

  13. I believe that the book itself is not a modern thing that you would see today. But, as many of you have already said, the themes of the book like lies, betrayal, love, and corruption are things that are used in all movies and books made today. You wouldn't see a 21st century book that is in play form and has poetry, but you would not also be able to find a book that doesn't have the qualities that Macbeth has. And though people won't be going out to kill a king or your best friend, everyone has felt hurt or betrayed by someone and has been or will be in love. So, I don't see the storyline being relevant today but the emotions and themes will always be relevant to books and movies made today.

  14. A 21st century text is any text which can relate to our modern way of thinking and doing things. A text that we can apply to our own lives and make connections with. The play Macbeth has many factors that we also find today such as love, hate, pressure, betrayal, and the idea that what goes around comes around. People can definetly relate to these ideas. For example, Lady Macbeth was the one who would pressure Macbeth into doing such evil things and Macbeth would do so to prove that he was a man. This is very common even today. People try to prove that they are something. There are always people who push you and people who are being pushed, then and now. Also the idea that what goes around comes around. Once Macbeth got the title of king and got all the power, he did whatever he needed to to stay king. He killed and was killed. The play is definetly relevant today which is an amazing thing about books. Whether it be written in b.c. or 2009, there is always something we can relate to.

  15. Some people could consider Macbeth to be a 21st century text but it is not. A 21st century book would most likely have language of that time and in Macbeth you basically have to look at the page next to it to understand whats going on. A book from the 21st century does not have a page set out to explain what is going on or what something means. In the books now you are supposed to understand the language used and understand the plot. Macbeth is not like this at all. People of the 21st century do not talk in the way that Macbeth is spaced out. In modern times, a bad guy does not use a sword or dagger to kill someone they have guns to use. Macbeth also has outdated names for people. If this were a present time book the characters would probably be named James, Matthew, Jacob, John or many more. Most books of the time don't have characters with the name Fleiance. Although the book has a terrible ending, it was very predictable. Macbeth just kept on killing people sooner or later he would get killed. If it was a book from now it would have an unpredictable very story-tale ending which this book lacks.

  16. In my opinion, a 21st century text is something that describes modern events rather than events that take place far in the past. In Macbeth, there is no modern technology at all. Modern books are usually written with modern technology involved. Some authors write books about the past now but they are more easily understood rather than Shakespeare's Macbeth. Since his book was written long ago, it uses the language of the time. If books are written about the past now, they are written with modern language which is understood much easier than Shakespeare's vocabulary. Also, books now are usually much more realistic if they are written for adults. Macbeth is filled with elements of fantasy. Fantasy is not usually the interest of the modern day adult due to modern day society. Therefore, I do not think Macbeth is a 21st century text.

  17. While many of the people above me have very valid claims the question is being slightly overlooked. The question is not, can Macbeth be enjoyed or can it be related to those of the 21st century. While Macbeth is a timeless text and will always resonate with those who experience it, it is not a 21st century text. This is because if one were to observe all of the texts of our day they would realize that they are almost completely plot driven, details driven, and quick thrills driven. A piece of Shakespearean literature is all about the dialogue and the theme conveyed by the work. Shakespeare's literature always has to do with how humans interact, what their emotions are, a lot of his work is a question on morality, just like Macbeth. Modern works might explore these themes but they are always much more about plot driven thrills. Macbeth is unique with it's age and it's concentration on themes.

  18. To me 21st century literature is literature that you can understand and apply the themes of the literature to your life. The emotions that are in Macbeth are easy to point out in our own lives. Guilt, one of the main emotions in the play, can be seen in our lives through what we say and how we act. Also the pressures and the temptations to do things that could be wrong are present in both the play and life. For example, Lady Macbeth pressures Macbeth to kill Duncan and to keep killing, but the temptations of the possible power that he could get also is one of the reasons that he does what he does in the play. That can also be seen in our lives, when we do things because we feel pressured or want something out of the deal when we know that its wrong. The actual text is a bit hard to understand. If it was re-worded, with words that were more commonly used, or names that we could relate to. Even though, we can still understand which is important and for those reasons I think that The Tragedy of Macbeth is an example 21st century literature.

  19. Mikaela Allmon-pittengerDecember 17, 2009 at 6:39 PM

    I know when we all were told we were reading macbeth we all sighed because we see this book as a lame and old play.But in reality this book fits more towards the 21st century than we really think it does.I feel that when we actually read this the only old terms that stand out to us are 'twere and 'tis ect. That is because we aren't used to hearing those words. So Macbeth is using old words and terms, in reality their words are more intelligent than we use today because now a days we are lazy and we abbreviate just about everything. Just like some people said i also do belive that Macbeth can get away with being in the 21st century because of its story line, Shakespeare incorperated many themes like love,hatred,lies,mystical,hereos and villans and many more. But those few themes are stil very common in movies today. This play is a very good play for people in the 21st century to read because it lies with many hidden life lessons to which i think that we will all be able to realte to. For example when Hecate was talking to the witches she/he said "and you all know, security is mortals' chiefest enemy."(III.iiiii.32-33)This quote is one i think we all belive is true, when you feel safe and secure the less one will protect its self so therefore being more vulnerable, which i think happens to everyone at least one time or another in their life. Macbeth can be seen as in or not in the 21st century but i feel that even though it may not be i think it can pull it off very well. Even though this is pretrayed as old there are still movies and books being made and watched so its clear that us people living in the 21st century have some interest in it still and are willing to continue to like this book because it's a classic and we all can realte to it plus this type of book contains the qualities of our interest today.

  20. In my opinion, Macbeth both is and isn't a 21st century text. The reason is because even though Macbeth is both read and watched today (which makes it modern), it was written using language not really understood by people today making it more ancient. To me, it seems like the play is sending us the same message throughout which is "Don't be too over confident. If you are, it might come back around to hurt you." In Macbeth's case, he got killed for his strong desires to become king. Just because the play was written over 500 years ago doesn't mean that it doesn't have a message that audiences and/or readers should pay attention to. As mentioned before, the play conveys the important message that overconfidence is bad. I'm sure that many people can learn from such a message.

  21. I like to believe that a "21st century text" would mean something on the lines of that a text can relate to issues and plots to people living in the 21st century. In Macbeth we would be discussing it as being a "21st century text" by the mentality and greed of people in the play. Macbeth is supposed to be a good and trustworthy man but inside he really is a greedy, ignorant man who also does most of the murdering throughout the play. Banquo wanted his fortune told and in some religions that is considered a "sin", by wanting to know what is going to happen before it happens. This kind of mentality connects to the 21st century because many people are very greedy in the modern days and will deceive almost anyone to fulfill their corrupt desires. Many people do this with money and in Shakespeare's Macbeth the men do this for kingship; both ambitions lead to more power. Overall people are acquisitive for power and with try to destroy or elude anything or anyone in their way. The audiences can still learn and grow from reading this in an incredible way because in Macbeth, Macbeth is a greedy and ignorant man who wants power and in the end, karma gets even with him and this will show people in modern days to be careful and not to overload their securities.

  22. Though Macbeth was not written in the 21st century, and it has well very old English, it still can be called a 21st century text. The reasons for this are rather plain. Many of the themes involved in the play can be found in real life and modern history. An example of the theme of Betrayal, is Malcolm X who was killed other Muslims and murdered while giving a speech. The theme of madness can be found Stalin or other dictators. And for the theme of a hated and corrupted rule there are so many dictators in modern history that one can could stitch out a hand and grasp a dozen or more. This play still affects people today because the themes in this play happen every day, of course to a lesser extent. Now as a response to others arguments against it this point of view,

    in many 21st century pieces written today the time period is set in the middle ages so just by saying because there are no guns it cant be a 21st century piece is just blind to a lot of today’s literary works.
    Ok so the people in the play talk differently. But so do people from different countries like England . Just because the characters talk differently than most people in the U.S. do does not mean that they are old!
    Last one the play, for that’s what is it is a play, can be preformed to look and sound modern! All you must do is replaces a few words here and there that’s it and there a modern play.

    Nathaniel Rosenberg (still not quite sure how posting works so this is it..)

  23. Shakespeare’s Macbeth can be considered as a twenty-first century text on many levels. A twenty-first century text is one that can be related to today. It can be written in any year, decade, or century and still communicate today’s every day situations. Macbeth contains many characters that go through different circumstances that people would go through today. From reading Macbeth, people can learn about others and even themselves.
    After the witches’ prediction that Macbeth “shalt be king hereafter” (I.iii.53), he goes crazy for power. He kills Duncan because he thinks if the witches said it was to be true, then he will do it anyway. Then, when he starts to see people getting suspicious and curious, he gets extremely paranoid and kills his good friend, Banquo. They had his trust and he went behind their backs and betrayed them to get what he wants. This happens almost every day in our modern society. People break others’ trust for them by lying, cheating, and betraying them. For example, to be on the same level as Macbeth, there could be a person running for a political position, and to get an easier chance, they could get that person who is running against them killed. Or, on a more moderate level, someone could go behind someone’s back and accuse them of something they didn’t do to get a better chance at the position.
    On a more personal level, people can learn about themselves and find a way to change if they need to. Lady Macbeth gets greedy when she hears that she will be queen soon. She tries to get Macbeth to kill Duncan sooner by telling him that “when [he] durst do it, then [he] were a man; and to be more than what [he] were, [he] would be so much more the man” (I.vii.56-58). This quality can be seen in many people and if one were to see it in themselves, it would be good to change.

  24. At first glance, Macbeth would seem as something that is far from the 21st century but, as others have said, if you take the time to dissect the meanings of the words, you can find things that we still see today. In Macbeth, knowing where to place your trust and who to keep as an ally is always a dilemma in the story. We see that today all over the world. From our communities like government corruption to foreign battlefields like Afghanistan and Iraq where even "friendly" forces can turn against you. Macbeth also shares another message and that is being over confident. In the book, Macbeth and Duncan's death come because Macbeth was over confident from the witches predictions and Duncan trusted Macbeth making him feel confident in his presence. Going back to whether or not Macbeth is 21st century or not, after getting past the old English you find out that their time is not so different than ours. We face many of the same problems, if not more problems. Macbeth can show us and future readers about not being over confident and knowing where to place your trust.

  25. A 21st century text is any text that can be related to life how it is now, directly or indirectly using symbols. Texts like this are based on characters that drive the plot through their emotions. Macbeth can be discussed through the themes and the emotions and thoughts of the characters and how well they are portrayed so that even today we can relate to their acts. Macbeth is still relevant today because it can show how the universal truth of greed leading nowhere is always true. Macbeth can also relate because it is an awesome adventure and also says that most things are what they seem, like the prophecies of the witches came true to every word. I feel that it still resonates with audiences as long as they try to understand what it means instead of watching the basic plot work quickly through the book. Many books today are focused on making it big by appealing to a large audience, and they don't put as many hidden meanings or foreshadows as books from previous centuries did. People in the 21st century want to know everything that is happening and want to be able to get a climax every other page. This is not how i think a book should be written because a large build up with an ending that can be slightly expected, but is still climatic is how I think books should be. I feel like any audience can learn from reading this book because it shows a person that worked unfairly to the crown and throughout was going through a mental collapse and it teaches one to know their limits.

  26. A 21st century text is a book that can be easily related to the people of our time. Like Catcher in the Rye, Macbeth is a 21st century book. People can easily relate to Macbeth in one way or another. While not wanting to relate to Macbeths evil power hungry side, most of us do find ourselves thinking we'd do the same thing in Macbeth's position since it's such a logical thing to choose: power. Choosing power over honor or duty is the easiest route always in the short run and we can all relate to that in some form or another.

  27. Text from the 21st century is something everyone can relate to in some way. Even though no one can really say they know someone that killed the King of Scotland because three witches told them it was their destiny, most people can say they will do anything to reach their full potential. And that is really what Macbeth is about, trying to find their future and do everything in their power to get it. That is why Macbeth is 21st text. It has themes that can be found in todays movies, books, and every day life.

  28. Macbeth might seem like it is not 21st century text because of the words and the settings, however, if you look close into it, it can be 21st century text. Being 21st century text, to me, means, that there is possibility that this can happen in this century we live in right now. Although the play Macbeth by Shakespeare may seem really old because they are fighting with swords instead of guns and bombs. However, when we look close, to what the whole story is about, there are three main themes that can make this play into 21st century text. They are: love, betrayal, and revenge. People today are quite obsessed with all three themes, which brings us into the idea that people in the play had these kinds of feelings. After looking at these three themes, we can relate Macbeth to our settings that we live in today.

  29. I beleive that the play has no set time period. It can be be read in terms we use today and you would agree that plots like the one in macbeth occur in modern day. Therefore, it has no set time period because it dated back from shakespearean times to now. what shakespeare is really about is trying to understand the plot and relating it to your life.

  30. A 21st century text can be thought such as murders/crime, love and dishonesty. In this case, Macbeth has all of these themes. Back then they still mean the same things as we do now. It can be easily translated into 21st century and can be completely understandable. These topics are the same just in a different time era, and still using the same ideas. They are used and mentioned in every day life, either real or fake, in movies or in books.

  31. I think 21st century text is literature you can relate to in everyday life. I think the plot of Macbeth is very modern and the morals of the story will last forever. When it comes to the themes and style of righting is very old school. The way the characters talked was one reason why it doesn’t seem modern. Another reason is because in most 21st century stories and movies there are many little thrills throughout the whole story to keep you entertained. In Shakespearian plays there are not many exciting things that happen but then something huge happens at the end. I think audiences well enjoy reading it and learn lesions from it forever.

  32. In the play Macbeth written by William Shakespeare there are alot of qualities that might show it is not a 21st century writing. But if you actually read each scene, and line individually and break down your thoughts you can clearly see that it is a 21st century text. Shakespeare is a world-reknown poet, from hundreds of years ago. Yet, his work from hundreds of years ago are still relatable to this day. In Macbeth, Macbeth shows many different personalities. He shows, love, compassion, guilt, betrayal, and loneliness. All of these emotions are still being used by people every single minute of everyday in the 21st century. Those emotions are one of the only few permanent constant things on Earth, so i feel that the play Macbeth is definatley a 21st century text.

  33. To me,it seems extraneous to refer to Macbeth as a 21st century text. As stated above, a 21st century text can have many meanings, whether it simply has to relate to persons of the 21st century, or be modern in text and language. Any way you look at it, it is definately not a modern day text. First, personelly, I had no connections with the book, nor did I feel a life lesson written in the pages. No life theme of current era was adressed, instead shakespeare seemed to be writting simply for the excitement of the story. No underlying theme of emotion or betrayel was explored. Literaly in the first part of the book you have one guy kill another guy. You might understand that there was a sense of trust before, but honestly there was little relationship established to get any reader to feel emotion during any scene of the book. The guilt he shows after seems artifical at best to any reader due to the fact that one knows little about their previous depth of a relationship. Can anyone honestly relate to a tyrant who is hungry for power/ security and deals with emotional problems? Probably not. This might have worked centuries ago where one could understand a king and thines relationship but today it is not relevant A true 21st century book would explore emotions thouroughly or common themes that everyone deals with and wold manage to trigger emotions of the reader.

  34. I like where Mckeever is going with this. Although this story line may not happen modern-day, the emotions are extremely possible. That being said, I don't believe this is a 21st Century text at all. 21st Century texts are more or less about wizards and vampires and such fictional characters like that. They are not so much about characters in war beheading each other (though sometimes they are, don't get me wrong!). The style of writing itself, and here I am talking about the poetic feel to Macbeth, can be found anywhere. Poetry is eternal, thus not really ever having an expiration date stamped upon it. I believe it may not so much resonate with audiences however. After reading it, all I felt was my jaw dropping at the fact that Maceth's head was sliced off, but even that didn't leave much a mark on me. Macbeth really is not a 21st Century text.

  35. Nick Bouska

    Macbeth is a not just a 21st century text it is a forever text. It will continue to mean alot throughout the days of the world because Shakespeare understood how the world works and that even though the times and places will change people never will never change becasue it is just how we are programmed. If the there was the nicest person living back than then there is the nicest person living now. I think everyone understands how this ties into how Shakespeare new how to make his works timeless so he made it so people in the future can understand and relate to Macbeth. Macbeth is very easy to understand once you get past the old style of writing but once you get past that you begin to understand what i am talking about.

  36. Macbeth will be a text that will be read for a long time. It is very much a 21st text, because of how many schools use it in their curriculums. Many English classes use it to help students to understand and take in the olden literature of Shakespeare. Macbeth, is in a way difficult to understand the old style of writing and speaking, but once you can learn the main messeage that Shakespeare is trying to portray, there is a deep meaning within his stories. Macbeth is very moving and a very bloody story, but it can get a message across to students who read the old text. Macbeth is a text about trust, remorse, and other such feelings that is important to the student life and in the past, it was even used in colleges. Now that our education system is getting more advanced, schools are now using Macbeth in highschools. This shows that Macbeth will be used for a very long time for more than just educational purposes.

  37. 21st century text can be defined as a text that we can still read and relate to our lives today. Macbeth's plot, where Macbeth wrongfully becomes king, and later suffers the consequences for it can be found all over the world today. Macbeth is saying that if you commit a crime, you will eventually have to pay for it. Today, everywhere, every second, criminals are facing the charges for what they did. So I think that as long as there is crime, people can read Shakespeare's Macbeth and relate their lives to it.

  38. “21st century text,” means the “text” of the 21st century. The definition of “text” from the dictionary is “The original words of something written or printed.” Thus meaning is the word used by Shakespeare a 21st century word, the answer is no. Shakespeare uses many words that are not used today in the 21st century. For example he says words like, “thine” (V viii 6). Although if the question asked, is the meaning of Shakespeare’s text similar to the meaning of 21st century text, the answer is yes. Shakespeare’s text is filled with killing people, crooked governments, and romances, which almost all movies and books have in the 21st century. For example in the play Macbeth, Macbeth admits to killing people, by saying “with blood of thine already” (V viii 6). In the movie terminator much of the plot has to do with killing. For example Arnold Schwarzenegger’s main catch phrase in the movie is “Hasta la vista Baby,” which is said before Arnold kills someone in the movie. With the similarities with Shakespeare poetry and 21st century text, Shakespeare’s text is still appealing with modern audiences. People also can learn from Shakespeare’s text, since the text is still relevant with 21st century text.

  39. i have to say i like your ideas but when it comes to helping me writing for my leaving cert i find it difficult because how can you compare a fictional nowel to the reality 2013 ? and also its hard to find quotes to back up my comments anyone wanna help ?:D

  40. Hey guys.

    It's great to see everyone saying MacBeth's themes are relevant still today. But I was wondering if anyone has any specific evidence to back this up? Is there any events, specific books or movies that are based off MacBeth of have the same qualities and express the same themes? Are there any real life events (in 2016 would be perfect) that display the same themes in MacBeth? I have to write a report on how the themes in MacBeth are still relevant today so if anyone could help, I would great;y appreciate it.

    Thanks in advance.

