Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Final Exam Review - A Raisin in the Sun

In the comments section, record an entry the contains the following components:
  1. one significant quotation from A Raisin in the Sun
  2. the speaker of the quotation
  3. to whom the quotation is being spoken
  4. your name (to receive credit)
There are a few stipulations. First, no repeats. Second, first come, first served. Third, the more significant and important your quotation, the more helpful this study guide will become.

This assignment is due by the start of class Friday.


  1. Mama speaking to Beneatha, about love.

    "There is always something left to love. And if you ain't learned that, you ain't leanred nothing," (Hansberry 145).

  2. "I got to take hold of this here world, baby! And a woman will say: Eat your eggs and go to work. Man say: I got tochange my life, I'm choking to death, baby! And his woman say-Your eggs is getting cold!"(Hansberry 34)
    Walter talking to Ruth about changing his life and complaing that Ruth isn't listening to her.

  3. "Sometimes it's like I can see the future stretched out in front of me-just as plain as day. The future, Mama. Hanging over there at the edge of my days. Just waiting for me-a big, looming blank space-full of nothing. Just waiting for me. But it don't have to be." (Hansberry 73)
    (Walter to Mama)

  4. Mama talking to Walter about the money for his liquor store.
    "Oh- So now it's life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life-now it's money. I guess the world really do change..." (Hansberry 74).

  5. Walter to Ruth:

    "This morning, I was lookin' in the mirror and thinking about it... I'm thrity-five years old; I been married eleven years and I got a boy[Travis] who sleeps in the living room-(Very, very quietly)-and all I got to give him is stories about how rich white people live..." (Hansberry 34)

  6. Mama talking to Ruth about Big Walter.

    "Big Walter used to say, he'd get right wet in the eyes sometimes, lean his head back with the water standing in his eyes and say, "Seem like God didn't see fit to give the black man nothing but dreams-but He did give us children to make them dreams seem worth while." He could talk like that, don't you know," (Hansberry 45-46).

  7. Walter explains triumphently to Mr. Linder that they are still going to move into his neighborhood.

    Walter: "[W]e have decided to move into our house because my father—my father—he earned it for us brick by brick. We don’t want to make no trouble for nobody or fight no causes, and we will try to be good neighbors. And that’s all we got to say about that. We don’t want your money" (Hansberry 148).

  8. Bobo tells Walter about how Willy steals Walter's life insurance money.

    "That's what I'm trying to tell you... I don't know... I waited six hours... I called his house... and I waited six hours... that was all the extra money I had in the world... man, Willy is gone" (Hansberry 127-128)

  9. In this comment mama says,"Well-what you think your grandmama gone and done with that money?" [Hansberry 91] This quote is evidently significant because this really ended any dreams of Walter or Beneatha. This part of the story when Mama said this to Travis was clearly important.

  10. Said by Walter who is talking to Ruth:
    "I'm thirty-five years old; I been married eleven yearsand I got a boy who sleeps in the living room- and all I got to give him is stories about how rich white people live..." (34).

  11. Ruth to Mama:
    "Mama, something is happening between Walter and me. I don't know what it is - but he needs something - something I can't give him any more. He needs this chance, Lena" (Hansberry 25).

  12. Mama is talking to Walter about what is happening with their family.
    "Son-you-you understand what i done, don't you? I-I just seen my family falling apart today...just falling to pieces in front of my eyes...We couldn't of gone on like we was today. WE was going backwards 'stead of forwards-talking 'bout killing babies and wishing each other was dead...When it gets like that in life-you just got to do something different, push on out and do something bigger..."(Hansberry 78)

    Mr. Cowlin,
    Just to let you know my page numbers are off because i had to borrow different versions of the books.

  13. Mama says to Walter:

    "Oh—So now it’s life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life—now it’s money. I guess the world really do change..." (Hansberry 74).

  14. This scene and fight occurs when Mama has been away most of the day buying a house in Claybourne Park.

    "So what you need for me to say it was all right for? So you butchered up a dream of mine-you-who always talking 'bout your children's dreams" (Hansberry 95).

  15. Beneatha talking to Asagai about why she wanted to become a doctor.
    "That that was what one person could do for another, fix him up-- sew up the problem, make him all right again. That was the most marvelous thing in the world... I wanted to do that." (Hansberry 133)

  16. Beneatha, whose forced by Mama to repeat this sentence.

    "In my mother's house, there is still a God" (Hansberry 51).

  17. Walter speaking to his family: “Seem like God didn’t see fit to give the black man nothing but dreams….” (Hansberry 29).

  18. When Mama is speaking to Walter after she finds out he gave the remainder of the check away.

    "I seen...him...night after night...come in...and look at that rug..and then look at me...the red showing is his eyes...the veins moving in his head...I seen him grow thin and old before he was forty...working and working and working like somebody's horse...killing himself...and you -you give it all way in a day-" (Hansberry 129)

  19. Beneatha speaking to Asagai

    "That that was what one person could do for another, fix him up-sew up the problem, make him all right again. That was the most marvelous thing in the world... I wanted to do that. I always thought it was the one concrete thing in the world that a human being could do. Fix up the sick, you know-and make them whole again. This was truly being God..." (Hansberry 133)

  20. Walter said to Ruth with great frustration. He was frusturated due to the fact that he isn't going to fulfill his dream to start a Liqour store.


  21. Ruth is talking to the whole family after they finally decide to move.
    "well for God's sake- if the moving men are here-LET'S GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!(Hansberry 149)

  22. Mama is talking to Walter about the sixty-five hundred dollars that Walter recieved.

    "Son [...] Is it all gone? Son, I gave you sixty-five hundred dollars. Is it gone? All of it? Beneatha's money too?" (Hansberry 129)

  23. Travis to Walter when talking about what Travis wants to be when hes older.
    "I don't know then. I can't make up my mind. Sometimes Mama asks me that too. And sometimes when I tell her I just want to be like you-she says she don't want me to be like that and sometimes she does...."

  24. Mama is talking to Ruth about how Walter is becoming a man.

    "He finally come into his manhood today, didn't he? Kind of like a rainbow after the rain." (Hansberry 151)

  25. Walter to Beneatha when folk dancing.
    Do you hear the singing of the women singing the war songs of our fathers to the babies in the great houses? Singing the sweet war songs! OH, DO YOU HEAR, MY BLACK BROTHERS!

  26. Ruth to Mama
    "You got good children, Lena. They just a little off sometimes-but their good."

  27. This quote is Beneatha talking to Walter and Ruth.

    "Sticks and stones may break my bones but... words will never hurt me!" (Hansberry, 113)

  28. Roderick Pahati said...

    Benetha talking to Mama after Mrs. Johnson has left.

    "Mama, if there are two things we, as a people, have got to overcome, one is the Ku Klux Klan- and the other is Mrs. Johnson."

  29. Mama speaking to Beneatha:

    "There is always something left to love. And if you ain’t learned that, you ain’t learned nothing."

  30. Mama talking to walter.

    "A'nt nobody said you wasn't grown. But you still in my house and my presence. And as long as you are-you'll talk to your wife civil".
    (Hansberry 71)

  31. Mama is talking to Walter and he told her that he was going to let a white man write him a check.

    "Son-I come from five generations of people who was slaves and sharecroppers-but ain't nobody in my family never let nobody pay'em no money that was a way of telling us we wasn't fit to walk the earth. WE ain't never been that poor. We ain't never been that-dead inside" (Hansberry 143)

  32. Beneatha to Mama

    "Mama, if there are two things we, as a people, have to overcome, on is the Ku Klux Klan-and the other is Mrs. Johnson." (Hansberry 104)

  33. Tammy Song said...

    Walter to George:

    "And you---ain't you bitter, man? Ain't you just about had it yet? Don't you see no stars gleaming that you can't reach out and grab? You happy?---You contented son-of-a-bitch---you happy? You got it made? Bitter? Man, I'm a volcano. Bitter? Here I am a giant---surrounded by ants! Ants who can't even understand what itis the giant is talking about." (Hansberry 85)

  34. Walter to Mama

    "Check coming today?" (Hansberry 6)

  35. Walter speaking to his son.

    "You wont understand yet son, but your daddys gonna make a transaction." said Walter about their future. Said Walter telling his son about their bright future(Hansberry 130).

  36. Mama speaking to walter:

    " oh- so now it's life. money is life. Once upon a time freedom was life- now ita money. I guess the world really do change..." (hansberry 74)

  37. Stephanie VinieratosJanuary 8, 2010 at 9:17 AM

    "Son- son, what do you want to be when you grow up?" (Hansberry 107)
    Walter talking to his son Travis.

  38. (quietly woman to woman) "He finally come into his manhood today, didnt he? kind of like a rainbow after the rain..." (Hansberry 151). Mama talking to Ruth

  39. Beneatha speaking to Mama about her dream and Asagai's.
    "To go to Africa, Mama - be a doctor in Africa..." (Hansberry 150)

  40. Stephanie VinieratosJanuary 13, 2010 at 3:47 PM

    "Oh- So now it’s life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life—now it’s money. I guess the world really do change..." (Hansberry 74)

    Mama talking to Walter.

  41. "But all the tyrany in the world will never put a God in the heavens." Beneatha to Ruth

  42. "Listen, man, I got some plans that could turn ... this city upside down. I mean think like he does. Big. Invest big, gamble big, hell, lose big if you have to." Walter to Ruth

  43. im hayley and im looking for single hot guys

  44. well hayley, your in the right place

  45. I'll give you an Abraham Lincon all night long
