Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Reachionary vs. Progressive Texts

This post is for periods 6 and 8 students.

So we've discussed in class how, according to Marxism, there are two social classes:
  • Bourgeoisie - the rich people who control everything. Most of us could really get used to the idea of being part of the bourgeoisie. But don't be fooled, in the world of Marxist criticism, they are bad.
  • Proletariat - the poor people who do all the real work. They are usually uneducated and easily fooled into thinking that things other than the bourgeoisie are the cause for their woes. They are wrong, of course.
And we've discussed how 'Marxist criticism' looks at an author’s assumptions and values regarding culture, race, and class are examined. And, finally, we've discussed how Marxist criticism sees all texts as one of two kinds:
  • Reactionary texts - tools used by the ruling class to maintain power over the working class.
  • Progressive texts - tools used by the working class to gain power from the ruling class.
So, now let's look at some examples of each kind of text.  First are some example of reactionary texts. Remember, reactionary texts are meant to control you, to make you do things. Reactionary texts want things to stay the same.
  • The Federal Tax Code (written so you pay your taxes)
  • The school acedemic honesty policy (written so you don't cheat)
  • A commercial for a new Mercedes (written so you'll buy a Mercedes)
 Next are some example of progressive texts. Again, progressive texts are meant to break the rules, to change the way people think, to bring revolution to the 'staus quo.' Pregressive texts want things to change.
  • Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream Speech" (written to change the way people think about equality and race relations)
  • Any war protest song (written to change a nation's current foreign policy)
  • Graffiti written on a desk describing a teach as boring, ugly, stupid, etc. (written to change the way students think about the teacher)
Your task: Post a coment in which you describe a text (book, story, movie, poem, etc.), state whether you think the text is reactionary or progressive, and explain why. Be sure to read all of the posts before yours - no repeats! Please note that your responses should be thoughful, thoough, and gramatically correct.

Extra credit: In a separate comment (or two or three) respond to other comments. Do you agree or disagree with your classmates? Why or why not?


  1. I believe that Animal Farm is a progressive text because it has all the key elements of a progressive book. Also, it is meant to mimic the failures of a society with a dictatorship and to show how the workers revolt to the useless propaganda and sieze power within the farm from the disfunctional government. Furthermore, the animals can perfectly mimic a hardworking middle class who are always brainwashed into thinking that everything will be OK as long as you listen to the man in charge.

  2. I would say oreck would be a reactionary text because it is telling you to buy the item not to break the rules. there saying its the best item out there and to not buy any other item except theres.

  3. I think that the movie The Hurt Locker is a progressive text because it has all the characteristics of a progessive movie. It does this by showing the extreme cruelty and dangers physically and emotionally that our soldiers are encountering in Iraq. By doing so it make the audience feel sympathy for the soldiers and makes the viewers wish to oppose the war an Iraq and go against the government's decisions.

  4. I think the movie Remember the Titans is a progressive text. It is because its where a team that didn't know how to work well with each other played other football teams the would just beat them horribly. It shows how the team stuggle to work together. It was the first time a football team was intergrated, which is mixed with African American and Whites. They were the under-dog team, but while the team learns to trust and depend on each other the team becomes succesful. After a while the team becomes winning and ending up heading to the championships.

  5. i think the documentary, "the invconveniant truth" is a reactionary text. it is warning you about global warming so that you go green. it trys to get the audience to feel worried so that they will try an stop doing the things that cause global warming. in a way it is a different approach to getting everyone to help make the environment cleaner.

  6. I think that the movie The Freedom Writers is a progressive text. I feel this because it is showing that the poor and disfortionate childeren who are involved with gangs are lost causes. It shows that they have personalities and can be smart. They have hard lives and didn't have a choice in the way they went. Its trying to tell you that don't always give up on people who have had hard lives.

  7. I think the movie Ghandi is a perfect example of a progressive text. It shows the hardships that the Indian revolutionaries had to go through in their struggle for freedom. Not only that, it exposed the horendous things that the British did when trying to put down the Indians. For example, that very well-know chapter in history when the British would not let the Indians pass, but the Indians just walked on and the British beat them mercelessley with the butts of their guns. This movie changed the way people thought of countires ruling other countries and not wanting to give up their power. I think this advocated the very general idea of equality among everyone, as well.

  8. I think that the state of the union speech (2010) is a progressive text because it wants to change things. Obama states that he cares for the poor families and he wants their lives to get better not just for them to barely be able to live. Also i believe he wants this to change because he grew up from a poor family and understands how it feals.

  9. I believe the movie Bucket List is a great example of progressive text. It is about two men (one wealthy, the other poor) and are about to die with the same heart condition. They realize that they are going to die, so they decide to make the best out of the few days they are alive. The guys go out to skydive, race cars, fly a plane, ect. They prove the point that life isnt all about working and getting money, but to enjoy life as much as possible. The movie gives a really good moral about not to wait till the last minute.

  10. A reactionary text that I think was very effective was the state of the union adress that George Bush gave when he was president because he knew that the statement would crush the developing electtric car industry so oil would still be needed.

  11. I think the book "The Blind Side", has a great example of Progressive text. Michael Oher, a poor, African-American football player,who attends an all white school, finds his way through his very hard and complicated life by learning to play with his white team mates, on his school's football team. By working hard through high school Michael Oher overcomes the white players on the other teams and becomes a first round draft pick by the Baltimore Ravens as their starting left tackle.

  12. I think the NBA commercials where they're having you donate and spend some time with the community is a reactional text because, they're trying to inform you on how different it is life outside of our world is and that some people are in need of the things that you don't cherish, and things that you dont just like, so once in a while you should get out there and do some community work for the people that are in need.

  13. i believe the movie "300" is a great example of progressive text. 300 spartan soldiers rebel and fight against thousands and thousands of persian troops. They work as a unit at all time or else they die, they are soldiers fighting for their country. As their numbers dwindle over time they do not give up and they do not accept defeat from the powerful persians. At the end of the movie they all die but they stalled the great army for three days. Enough time for there whole spartan state to come together and prepare for war to crush the persians.

  14. The song "Blowin' in the Wind" by Bob Dylan is a progressive text. It is an anti war song in which Dylan asks the audience how much suffering and violence has to be evident to change the outlook of the self absorbed society. ‘Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly Before they're forever banned?’. Is part of the song that tells about unfair wars and human beings participation in those fights. This song is not only aganst war, but against segregation and slavery. In the song Dylan says ‘Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist Before they're allowed to be free?’. Dylan here explains how people with different colours of skin are singled out and humiliated by prejudiced men.

  15. I think the song "Get up Stand up" by Bob Marley and the Wailers is a progressive text. This song is conveying a message to keep up the revolutionary movement for Jamaican independence in the early 1960's. This song is pushing and pushing for change in the average Jamaicans life. Also, the song is inspiring the people of Jamaica to stand up for what they believe in and not be afraid of their enemy.

  16. I think all of the Chevrolet commercials are definitely reactionary texts because they inform the viewer about how fuel efficient their cars are compared to other leading manufactures therefore promoting their cars so people would buy them over other companies

  17. I think the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a reactionary text. Although people knew Tom is not guilty, they jsut want power over the African Americans. The girl knew she could lie her way out of the situation, because she had the advantage of winning because of her race. The white people have total control.

  18. I think the movie Rambo is a good example of a progressive text. A Couple of people that are human rights missionaries go to Bruma and try to change what is going on there. They try to help the people that are being killed by the Burmese army but end up not achieving any thing. But the group of people did go and try to change those people lifes by helping them because they were getting murdered by their own nations military.

  19. I think the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" is a progressive text because Jamal grew up in the slums of India and his whole life he had to fight and work from the bottom up to have anything in life. Then he tried out for " Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" and made it to the final question and gets it right. So this movie is progressive because he makes it from the bottom of the slums to the top by winning 20 million rupees.

  20. I think the movie "Invincible" is an excellent example of a progressive text. In this movie it talks about a poor white guy (Mark Walberg) in the city of Seattle who gets dumped by his girlfriend. he then gets pressured into trying out for the Seahawks, an NFL team, and makes the cut. he then lives on to have a very successful career as an NFL runningback. He showed to his wife, who thought he would never accompish anything, that he could make something of himself and live a great career.

  21. According to all of the other comments I have read, they all seem to be great examples of progressive or reactionary texts. They all talk about people rising over the better ones, and ending up better than the other people. Also, in some texts, they would talk about the ruler class obtaining power over the working class, like the book "To Kill A Mockingbird". I agree with all of the statements made by people whose texts I have read or saw before.

  22. First off, I'm pretty sure the "thoough" in the "Your task" paragraph should be thorough. Anyways, I, unlike most people, chose a song to write about. When I looked into my Itunes, I immediately saw the one I wanted. "I Dare You to Move" is an inspirational piece written by Switchfoot. I believe this song is a progressive text for many reasons, most lie within the lyrics themselves. "Welcome to the fallout, welcome to resistance, the tension is here", whenever I hear this, I always think of someone struggling to survive, someone that is of the lower class trying to gain power, to become one of those with much power. "Between who you are and who you should be", this makes me think of someone with so much potential yet not having the necessary confidence, perseverance, or courage to face it. This song always reminded me of a little man seeking out great adventures. This song has influenced me greatly to just go out and do whatever I want to do. I am sure when anyone hears this song, they WILL be touched in one way or another. Even though Switchfoot is a Christian rock band, I am sure their music can influence anyone in world.

  23. I think the movie Invictus is a good example of progressive text because it about a movement in Africa to liberate the country from the whites. It is truly a great example of progressive that is all about progression in Africa.

  24. I think the movie "Precious" is an example of a progressive text because it is about a poor, obese teenaged girl who suffers horrific abuse from her mother, and rape from her father. As "Precious" continues to struggle with problems at home, and keep her two new-born babies alive, she finally gets a chance to develop her talent as a writer when she gets sent to an alternative school. "Precious" is a story of dignity and grace. It shows that every girl has a chance in pursuing their dream, no matter what is holding them back.

  25. I believe that the movie Avatar is a great example of a progressive text/film. In the movie, it displays a vibrantly beautiful ecosystem where everything seems to get along perfectly except when the humans enter and invade. The movie stirs up emotion and makes you want to stand up for the forest which is under siege. By showing this perfect world in flames in some scenes, it makes you want to go help the environment in our own world. This is a change from how you would normally feel. Before, you would sit at home and not pay any attention to the environment around you. And by accomplishing this change in perception of the ecosystem, it is a progressive text.

  26. I agree with Austin's idea of how Obama's state of the union was a progressive text/speech. The president of the United States was trying to persuade the american people and government to change many of the issues in our lives today. By calling for change, The 2010 State of the Union Speech was a progressive text.

  27. In my opinion, a good example of progressive text would be the movie, "Stand and Deliver" (1988). This movie is about a teacher who inspires his class to learn calculus and builds up their self esteem to help them become someone through out their life. As all of the students pass the test, the class is accused of cheating because no one believed that they were capable of achieving something so remarkable. I believe this is a great example of progressive text because it shows how a class of minorities can rise up through hard work and dedication and over power those, who believe they are better than others.

  28. Alec (Animal Farm), Kevin (Remember the Titans), Ben (Ghandi), Molly (Incon. Truth) -- Right on. These are all classic examples of reactionary texts.

  29. Megan and Ryan - yours too. Exactamndo.

  30. Cyril and Lauren - I think I see where you're coming from, but you haven't sold me yet. We need more evidence. You have your two dots on the page, but you still need to connec them.

  31. Paul - Rambo...Hmm. I see where you're coming from. Helping out the underdog. Helping the helpless. But something doen't ring true here. It just doesn't smell like a progressive text, and I'm trying to figure out why. Maybe it's all the guns...I'm not sure. For some reason, however, it just feels reactionary.

    Anyone have any ideas on the subject?

  32. Precious, Avatar, and Stand and Deliver - I agress. All are progressive.

    NOTE: In my comment regarding Alec (Animal Farm), Kevin (Remember the Titans), Ben (Ghandi), Molly (Incon. Truth) I said reactionary. I meant progressive. Sorry.

  33. John - Same with Bucket List as with Rambo. I'm not so sure The Bucket List isn't a reactionary text in progressive clothing. Help me out here, somebody. Does anyone agree? Th Bucket list seems to want to contral me, to tell me what to do, to make me promises it has no intention of keeping.

    I'm going to think about this one and check back in later. In the meantime, anyone have any thoughts on the subject?

  34. I chose the movie "Glory Road" because i think that shows an excellent example of progressive texts. Glory Road is about a white man coaching a basketball team of black people, and it shows there struggle of how they are humiliated by the whites. Glory Road is a perfect example because even though they were bullied and took all the crap that the white people gave them they still managed to come out on top and beat the whites at their own game.

  35. I believe that the ASPCA commcericals are an example for a prgressive text. They want you to help stop animal abuse around the nation. There is alot of animal abuse around the nation and the ASPCA wants us to help stop and further prevent it all together.

  36. I think that the song "Immortal Enemies" by Hatebreed is an example of a progressive text becouse it is about having put up with the crap that comes at you and realizing that nothing is going to change unless you rise up and do something about it. By doing so, the oppressed gain power and overcome their oppressors. Also, it has kickass guitar and drums.

  37. I believe that the music video for the song "Ready To Fall" by the band Rise Against is an example of progressive text. In the music video, the band shows clips of people openly abusing animals. The song itself talks about the impacts of human waste. At the end of the video the lead singer offers a simple plead that we don't waste the only planet we have. "We've got one planet, one chance"I believe that the music video for the song "Ready To Fall" by the band Rise Against is an example of progressive text. In the music video, the band shows clips of people openly abusing animals. The song itself talks about the impacts of human waste. At the end of the video the lead singer offers a simple plead that we don't waste the only planet we have. "We've got one planet, one chance"

  38. Legally Blonde is Progressive. This movies makes you think about blondes differentely. That you shouldn't think of jobs a certian way, or only for certian people. You have to think out of the box and don't judging a book by its cover.

  39. I think the novel, Waiting for the Rain is an example of reactionary text because in the novel, the whites in South African have the power. The blacks do not have a voice in anything. The whites are totally in control.

  40. I believe the song "...And Justice For All" by Metallica is an example of a progressive text. In the song Metallica songs about how the whole American justice system is corrupt and falling apart. Listening to it makes you want to rebel and change the judicial system. "Justice is lost, justice is raped, justice is gone. Pulling your strings, justice is done, seeking no truth, winning is all". Those lyrics from the chorus really state that nobody looks for the truth or what really is fair, but instead they look for what THEY WANT to be fair.

  41. I think the movie "Pursuit of Happiness" is a good example of a progressive text. It has a guy thats struggles with his son, and are living on the street. And he works and works till he gets a really hard job to get and finally has a happy wealthy life. This movie describes that a proletariat can go further in life and succeed.

  42. I think that the movie "Good Will Hunting" is a good example of a progressive text. The main charactor, Will, lives in boston and is a janitor at MIT. He had an abused and rough childhood and was always getting in trouble with the law. Will meets a professor at MIT, who soon discovers that Will has an extraordinary gift for maths. The professor helps him achieve his goals and convinces him to try and turn his life around. This movie is a good example of progressive text because it shows you that even the people who lived a bad childhood and were always getting in trouble with the law, people who were always look at as a "bad person", can actually have a lot of potential.

  43. I believe that the movie "Roger and Me" is a really good example of a progressive text. The story is all about General Motors closing down eleven of its plants in Flint, Michigan which is where many of the residents worked. The company wanted to move its factories to Mexico where it would make a greater profit, and for that reason, had to lay off 30,000 of its workers. The director Michael Moore is trying to get an interview with the chairman of General Motors, Robert Smith so that he can come to Flint and see all the damage that he has caused to the residents. This is a progressive text because Michael Moore is trying to change Smith's mind about the closing down of all these GM plants. Also, the director's mission is also to try and change the way that the people are forced to live now that they don't have any jobs. This movie is all about making the audience see General Motors in a different way.

  44. I believe the book Black Boy is progressive. It's an autobiography of Richard Wright. It shows how tough his life was. He was a Proletariat working for the Bourgeoisie most of his life. He was put against other blacks and they were forced to compete against eachother. It is a great example of progressive text.

  45. Food Inc. is an example of a progressive text. This film shows how the food industry has been taken over by a few very wealthy companies. The result is that unhealthy food is very cheap, Americans buy a lot of it which makes these companies very wealthy while the population has to suffer from health problems like diabetes and obesity. This film argues that healthy food should be available to all, people and not be so expensive.

  46. i think the movie "Good Will Hunting" is a great example of progressive text. this film is about a M.I.T. janitor who, all his life, was getting in trouble with the police. that is until he was discovered to be a genious.with the help of a shrink who later becomes one of his good freinds, he forgets his past and starts to live up to what he can actually do and what he owes himself

  47. I believe Michael Moore's documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11" is a great example of progressive text. It is a very important film dealing, in detail, with the many current issues of the American society. It shows viewers what the news media has failed to do...Truly exhibiting not only the horrid and gruesome ordeals of Iraq, but also many of the other mistakes we as a country have made. "Fahrenheit 9/11" was filmed to make its audience think differently and more intellectually about American society.

  48. No one has ever heard of "Glen or Glenda." It is an old cult film, called, 'the worst movie of all time' by many. I think it is a great example of a reactionary text. It is about many things, but mainly the movie is about a man named Glen who is struggling with transvestism. He doesn't know how to get rid of it or how to tell his girlfriend. The movie does not insult transvestites, rather, it tells us why people develop transvestism. It tells us that we should not treat others badly just because they are different.

  49. I think that the movie "Metropolis" is a progressive text because it describes the workers rebellion against the rich people in the future city of metropoils

  50. Now that i think about it the movie Rambo is more of a reactionary text. The army would capture the natives and then they told them they could go, which would give them hope. But as they were running away the army would shot them to show the others that they are more superior over them.

  51. I think that the book, "warriors don't cry," is an example of reactionary text because the black kids are not allowed to go to public schools in the beginning of the story but as the story goes on, the black kids get sent to school. While, they attend the public school with white kids, the whites act and talk like they are more superior, and at one point a white puts acid in a blacks eye, just so she would turn blind. They do all this, so that the blacks get kicked out of school because they think that blacks dont belong with whites, they should just be serving to the whites needs. I think this is a reactionary text because the whites are showing that they have much power over the blacks.

  52. I agree will Will saying that the movie, "Slumdog Millionare," is a progressive text because Jamal, works and achieves to gain power over the ruling class.

  53. I think the book "The Jungle" written by Upton Sinclair is progressive because in the book he shows the cruel realities of the meat packing industry. He opens up a whole new door and allows the world to walk in and see it. In the book Upton Sinclair uncovers the harsh truths to show everyone what is was like. The intentions of writing it was to make people against the meat packing industry.

  54. I think the movie "Varsity Blues" is a great example of progressive text because the players of the football team band together and end up taking control over the team instead of their coach, who would do anything to win. Even play his players that are hurt and really should not be playing.

  55. I think the book " Three Little Words" is an example of the progressive text because it is about a young girl who gets abused by foster parents but learns to fight back the abuse and conquer the foster parents. She later becomes a successful woman while the parents get charged with a criminal offense and go to jail.

  56. I agree with april when she said that pursuit of happyness is a progressive film because he is living on the street but he overcomes by working hard then becomes wealthy and happy.

  57. I think that the song "If Today Was Your Last Day" by Nickelback is an example of progressive text because it is talking about living life to its fullest and looking back on your life knowing that you made a difference in the world. It says that life is a "gift and not a given right." This means do the right things in your life because you only live once and your life can be taken from you in a blink of an eye.

  58. The song "Take the Power Back" by Rage Against the Macine instantly struck me as a progressive song. The title of the song says it all. The lyrics also are strongly progressive. At one part the song goes
    "Yo, we gotta take the power back!
    Bam! Here's the plan
    ********** Uncle Sam"
    Quite clearly very rebellious. This band has many songs like this. It seems they are a Marxist progressive band.

  59. Vincent - Congratulations. It sounds like you've actually seen Metropolis. Not many freshmen can make that claim. (For the rest of you, it is a black and white, silent, German science fiction film. And it is awesome.)

  60. Eric - Varstiy Blues - I'm wondering if this is an example of the Rambo-flavored false progressiveness. I'll discuss this in class.

  61. Michael - Well said.

  62. Aadil - "No one has ever heard of "Glen or Glenda." You, sir, are incorrect. I DO know of Ed Wood, and Glen or Glenda, and Plan 9. I am, however, glad to know there is at least one member of the class who can appreciate the classics. Well done, sir.

  63. I believe that the book "Memoir of a Geisha" is a reactionary text because all of the Geishas that have their jobs, have train new Geishas. So while they are training them, the new Geishas have to find clients through their mentor. But the leading Geishas keep them poor and unwanted by other clients by lying about them and teaching them improperly.
