Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Handful of Nothin'

This entry is for period 6 and 8 students.

After "beating" Dragline in the fight (by getting pounded on),and after "winning" the poker game (with an inferior hand), Luke claims that "Sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand."

Give an example (from another film, a book, a short story, etc.) that proves Luke is right, that proves that sometimes "nothin' can be a real cool hand."

Be sure to read all of the responses before yours; remember, no repeats.


  1. In the movie "To Live", a Chinese man just lost all of his money by playing cards, and therefore has to give up his luxurious house. Since this movie takes place during the 1950's when Communism in China had just begun, to have nothing was actually a good thing. When he comes back from fighting in the war, the man who his old house now belonged to was going to get shot by the Communists for being a landlord. If he had not lost all of his money, he could have been the one to get shot. Now, he was just one of the many plain townspeople who Communism favored. In this case, "nothin' can be a real cool hand" because the main character will not have to worry as much about the government thinking he goes aginst Communist ideas.

  2. In the movie "To Live", a Chinese man just lost all of his money by playing cards, and therefore has to give up his luxurious house. Since this movie takes place during the 1950's when Communism in China had just begun, to have nothing was actually a good thing. When he comes back from fighting in the war, the man who his old house now belonged to was going to get shot by the Communists for being a landlord. If he had not lost all of his money, he could have been the one to get shot. Now, he was just one of the many plain townspeople who Communism favored. In this case, "nothin' can be a real cool hand" because the main character will not have to worry as much about the government thinking he goes against Communist ideas.

  3. Anthony IvankovichMarch 24, 2010 at 4:43 PM

    In the book Of Mice and Men, George always tells Lennie to keep his mouth shut so that they do not get into any trouble. george does this because Lennie is always talking when he should not be and about things he should not be talking about. In this book, "nothin can be a cool hand" because george and Lennie go on for a while with out having any trouble and if Lennie had not been told to shut up he would have already gotten himslef and George into a big mess.

  4. Anthony IvankovichMarch 24, 2010 at 4:45 PM

    Dimitra i agree with your statement. I was thinking about using this because it was so obviously stated in the movie that "nothin can be a real cool hand" and also because we are watching it in HWC.

  5. In the movie “The Hangover” four friends go to Las Vegas to celebrate one of their friend’s bachelor party. But they wake up the next morning finding out that they can’t remember what happened at all last night, lost the groom and the weeding is the next day. During the entire movie, the three friends Phil, Stu and Alan look for him but on the way they are faced with many challenges. For example, they have these Asian thugs coming after them for eighty thousand dollars, one of them has gotten married and they found out that they stole Mike Tyson’s tiger. But at the end of the movie they all find each other, find eighty thousand dollars and get to the wedding on time.

  6. When i watch television and i flip through the channels and I finally get to a sports channel, I cheer for the team that I want to win. After the game, who ever lost i think isn't the losers. They tried their best and put in their 100% effort so their winners. It is not about who wins or loses at the end, its who whoever puts effort, and makes the less mistakes. Like for a example in a basketball game, lets say theirs the Los angles Lakers vrs. Orlando Magic, as long as its a close game I count both of them winners. They both tried and did their best. After the game theirs no way you could change it so deal with it. Even though you lost just think of it like you won!

  7. In the book, A Raisin in the Sun, Walter Younger invests in a liquor store. However, he ends up losing the money because his friend tricked him and ran away with Walter's money. At first, his whole family is mad at him and Walter is very upset. He has lost hope and almost ends up giving up the house Mama bought for the family. However, Walter realizes he could not give up the house because all the money that went into buying it was Big Walter's blood, sweat, and tears. Walter realizes the importance of his father's work and just the importance of family. He lost money but gained a lesson on family.

  8. In the book Among the Grizzlies, Timothy Treadwell had lost everything due to his alcohol and drug addiction. He had no money, his parents disowned him and he was in no condition to work. His life was saved by a Vietnam War veteran who performed CPR when Tim overdosed on drugs. The war veteran helped turn Tim's life around by helping him find meaning in his live thru living with and protecting Grizzly bears. By being isolated in the remote Alaskan wilderness Tim was freed of his addictions and was able to restart his life as an advocate and protector of the Grizzlies. By losing everything, Tim was able to find a purpose in his life by living with the Grizzlies. Luke was right in saying "Sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand."

  9. In the movie Forrest Gump, the main character Forrest goes on some pretty wacky adventures. This all begins with the death of his Mother and the "love of his life", Jennie, leaving without a trace. Forrest seems to have nothing left, no family, no job, no money. He enlists in the army and meets people that would change his life in ways that seem unimaginable. If he were not to have nothing, then none of the absolutely amazing events that did take place in his life would have occurred.

  10. The moovie Gandhi would be a perfect example of doing nothing. one of the scenes in the movie was when all of the people who were peasants marched with gandhi. They continued walking for many miles to fight against british rule. At that time native indians were greatly discriminated against by the Cast System. When they all marched down to the gates the people were beaten by the gaurds. what makes this situation like luke is that the people never faust back. some people even died from the beating. by not fighting back they defeated the guards because they felt so bad.

  11. In the movie, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, there is a contest for five "golden tickets" in the Wonka chocolate bars. The contest is a tour through the famous Wonka factory. The first four children to win the tickets are wealthy and able to buy as many chocolate bars as they desire, but Charlie has a different story. Growing up in a poor family he doesn't have much of a chance of finding a ticket but he gets lucky and wins one. On the day of the tour, each child ends up failing the "test" that Willy secretly gives them, except for Charlie. The other children lose due to the fact that they are spoiled, and stuck up but clearly, Charlie doesn't have any of those qualities given his background. Charlie starts off with nothing but in the end “nothin’ can be a real cool hand.”

  12. In the youtube movie Ninja Melk (over 3 million views), by Nigahiga, an evil ninja was leaving toilet seats up and hiding remotes and all the kind of evil stuff. Someone had to step up and tell him to stop. But the good guy, lapchoy, failed to defeat him numerous times. Eventually two ordinary boys from Hawaii were his replacements. With barely any training they were able to defeat the evil ninja and slay his evil mistress while she was getting some milk. This film (obviously) is more comedy than anything else but it still proves that ordinary people in the end could turn out to be extraordinary, it proves nothin' can be a real cool hand. (by the way, anyone else see ninja melk? tell me what you think of it)

  13. in the movie, its a wonderful life, George Bailey has just a little bit of money, but everybody loves him. He doesn't have that much, but his wife, the townfolk, and his children absolutely adore him. He changed everyone's lives and he even gets to see what would happen if he didn't exsist. It shows that having lots of money doesn't mean you're a loser. If you just play it cool and be nice, then everybody will love you for you. Having nothing can just sometimes make you cool.

  14. In the movie 21, Ben Campbell, a senior at MIT, gets accepted into Harvard medical school but can't pay the high tuition fee. To get a "free ride" to Harvard, he is told by the administrator that Ben needs to "dazzle" him in some way. Ben recounts of how he joined MIT's blackjack team. They take Vegas by storm, winning hundreds of thousands of dollars in a matter of months. However after a series of double crossings, Ben loses $840,000 worth of chips. By the time he gets accepted into Harvard he's right back where he started, with nothing. However the Harvard administrator was clearly "dazzled" by the story and allows Ben to attend Harvard which proves that "nothin' can be a real cool hand".

  15. In the movie, Braveheart, Mel Gibson loses everything. His house, his wife and all his money. He has no more reason to live, the british are taking over Scotland and are being extremely cruel to the locals. After two scottish people get married, a high ranking officer takes the bride that wedding night in hope of dimming the population. Mel Gibson is watching as everything around him turns to a completely different atmosphere. Then after he leads the rebellion,recaptures his own country. He is betrayed and is sentenced to death. He could have choose to repent for all his sins and swear loyalty to the English. Yet he did no such thing, and he got a a much harsher death. While they were taking him apart piece by piece, all he had to do was say mercy. Yet he didn't, he showed the British that he wasn't afraid to die for what he believed in. He gave hope to all the men of Scotland. He never cried for mercy. I believe that is a pretty cool hand.

  16. In the movie Harry Potter And the Sorcerer's Stone at the very end of the movie Harry gets the Sorcerer's Stone by not having anything to getting the sorcerer's stone. He does this by not wanting the stone to use it but just to have it. So when out of nothing he was a able to get something. And because at the end he didn't have it he was able to get it.

  17. In the book or movie, Marley and Me. Marley was raised on a puppy farm, and a young Florida couple bought him, with a great deal. The dog had a face everyone could love. As Marley started to mature, he became more and more reckless. He never became obedient, and never listened. He even failed out of obedient school. Even though he was the "world's worst dog", the entire family learned to love him, one way or another. When Marley started to get sick, he brought the entire family together. Towards the end, the family realized what an impact on their own individual lives Marley has made. He might be the dog everyone hated, but to the family, he was the "world's best dog".

  18. In the movie Rocky, Rocky is challenged by the world champion boxer Apollo Creed. Rocky is poor and only boxes at small clubs, Apollo picked him for the exhibition fight because of Rocky's nickname "the Italian Stallion." Rocky knows he won't win the fight, but he trains hard for the fight because he wants to be the first boxer to fight Apollo and last all 15 rounds. Even though he doesn't win the fight, he gains the respect from others and even Apollo, which is all he ever wanted in the first place.

  19. In the book Ruffian by Jane Schwarts, she tells the biography of a mare (female) racehorse. Ruffian started off as being the odd one, but then proves herself when she continues to win all of the races she is entered in. At the time she was racing, women's rights were being protested for and fought for. So her owners decided to put her in a race with a colt to see who would win. The colt was expected to win, but many favored Ruffian because she seemed to be different and something else. Half way through the race, Ruffian broke her leg, so the colt won the race. Although Ruffian did not win the race, her "nothing" caused almost every woman in America to prove that she "could win the race" and be equal to men. So in reality, the hand life gives you can be "a pretty cool hand".

  20. In the movie Law Abiding Citizen, Clyde Shelton, has his family murdered. He tried to get the two guys that did it into jail for life but the prosecutor assigned to the case doesn't really care that much so he doesn't try and only gets one of the guys into jail for ten years, and the other one gets a death sentence. Clyde isn't satisfied and decides to get his revenge by killing of people that the prosecutor worked with on the case. But he does it all from within jail. He got into jail by admitting to killing the murderer that was released from prison ten years later, soon after he gets out. Since he is in jail the people don't know how Clyde is doing it and have no evidence against him and since he has nothing they can't prove anything against him. So for clyde "nothin' can be a real cool hand."

  21. In the movie, Coach Carter, the majority of the characters start off really poor and most of their futures aren't looking so bright. After working really hard for a basketball scholarship, 6 out of the 14 players on the team received scholarships to large universities. In this case "nothin' can be a really cool hand" because if they didn't start off with not a lot of money they may not have had that motivation that they had to get themselves where they are.

  22. during the opening scene of the book "of mice and men," lennie was always asking george to tell him the story about how their future would look like. this is a good example of this quote because of the way they're living now their dream might not even happen but you have to face life the way it is by doing what you regularly do and spark it up a little bit sometimes.

  23. In the movie, 2012, there is an Asian worker who is building the massive arks. The Asian workers do not get to go on the arks and will be killed by the oncoming tsunamis. By being a worker he has nothing, and he will die very soon however by being a worker he can sneak onto the ship and save his life and that of his family and the main characters family. So by having nothing he actually has a "real cool hand"

  24. In the book, "The Hunger Games", Katniss Everdeen is a girl who comes from a very poor family and she has to doing everything for the family because her dad died. She has to gather all the food and go hunting and make the living for the family. She is forced to go into the Hunger Game Arena and fight for her life. In that arena she is going up against other kids from the other ,rich, districts who have had lots of training for the games, but Katniss has had none. All of the others kids in the arena have big powerful weapons but Katniss has the weaker weapons that she finds or makes herself. In the end Katniss ends up winning the games become one of the richest person in her district. So have nothing can really turn out to be a good thing.

  25. The movie, The Box, turn out to be a great example of how nothing can turn out to be a whole lot of problems. A poor family, that has a crumbling future in front of them and has nothing accept for a peaceful life gets offered a million dollars. All they have to do is push a big red button and all of their difficulties will go away. The only problem is that when they push the button, one person in the world gets killed. This movie shows how having nothing can be a good thing because when you are offered to much or get much more than you need people do not know what to do with them selves and "more than nothing", becomes a big problem.

  26. in the Bourne movie series, Jason Bourne has lost everything that he could have and all he has to go on is wierd flashbacks and photos. This is a great example of a cool hand because while the FBI is trying to kill him and he is completely outnumbered, he keeps getting up and bluffing where he will be next, always putting it on the line so the other guy folds. In conclusion, Jason Bourne used his "Cool Hand" to save not only himself, but also all his friends and family.

  27. In the movie, Never Back Down, Jake Tyler loses his father due to an accident involving alcohol. He loses all respect, turns to violence and becomes a completely different person. Through out the movie, Jake gets into a fight with Ryan McCarthy and he loses. Yet after many months of training and preparation he goes to fight Ryan again. He pretends that he is just as bad as he was in the first fight, and Ryan becomes cocky and starts messing around. Jake shows him other wise and beats him in the end. He took many blows in order to ensure that Ryan didnt know what was coming, and by doing nothing he ensured he would be victorious.

  28. in the movie Dodgeball, the main character, Peter LaFeur, is the owner of a broken down, barly profitable gym. No one really goes to it and the ones wo do, don't pay to go. Peter's rival, White Goodman, is about to take his gym away from him and make it into a parking lot for his extreamly profitable gym, Globo gym. Peter has to choose between loosing his only source of income, or being in debt for the rest of his life. unless of course he finds a way to raise the 50,000 dollars he ows to the bank. To do this, Peter has to join a dodgeball tournament. The only problem is, no one he knows can play. Because he had nothing, Peter and his freinds were forced to learn the game and go on a wild journey full of twists and turns. They of course end up winning the tournament having fun along the way. They were definatly delt a "cool hand".

  29. In the movie 21, a poor college boy is trying to get money for medical school. He has nothing but a giant brain and an amazing ability to count cards. After he joins his professor and begins hitting cassinoes in vegas. His brain was originally nothing, but varrious events turned it into something. His brain later gets enough money to go to school.

  30. When one is playing Russian rulet one is on a enormous risk. On one hand you can win a lot of money, but one the other it is a big gamble. When one is playing they are never on the cool hand because they are always scared fir what there future will end up like. it can either end up with a pocket full of cash or a bullet in the head. Therefore i agree with Luke that nothing is a "cool hand".

  31. in the book rooftop,clorox a ganster starts selling crack which he has never done in his life to people after his older brother dies. he is trying to make money for his family his brothers friend who is not a gangster goes for the little brothers friend and sells crack for him.

  32. In the book Rangers Apprentice The Icebound Land
    Halt a ranger is trying to go find his apprentice but he is not allowed to by the king. The only way he can get to go to to find his apprentice is if he gets fired from his job. He does this by attacking (without hurting) the peasants and the king's men come. He could kill them but when they attack him he secretly drops the knife in his hand and cuts the bowstring. This way he doesn't harm any people. In this way nothing is a really cool hand.

  33. In the movie, Back To The Future (Part III), Marty Mcfly (Michael J. Fox) has just been through a whole streamline of adventures. As he just has gotten "back to the future" he is confronted with the (at this point in the movie redundant) opportunity to street race someone. Usually after getting called a chicken (or wuss, yellow, yellow-belly, etc.) he would gladly like to join in. But Mcfly has learned his lesson, and after fake accepting the invitation to race watches as his would be opponent streaks on down the long stretch of road. He also notices that at a corner about 3 or so blocks down a car comes speeding out of a neighborhood (at which the corner is an entrance to), and almost hits his would be adversary. His opponent is in the left lane and almost gets hit by the car. Mcfly was in the right lane and had he gone for the race he would have for sure ended up in a colision and then a hospital. So, playing the "cool hand" was the right thing to do here, because is save Marty Mcfly's life.

  34. The movie "Green Street Hoolagens" is a perfect example of this quote "Sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand." The main character had a scholarship to Harvard for Law, then finished 3 years and 1/2 of his 4 total years towards his graduation. Then the police investigates his room and finds cocaine in his closet which his roommate put there. The roommate promised to give him a life after he got expelled but never happens. After getting expelled, he runs into his sister and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend introduces him to an england firm (gang) and learns fighting skills and gains potential and learns not to be a pushover. He runs into his roommate in a fancy hotel he owns. He finds him using cocaine and has him admit to his drug addiction and records it secretly. The roommate finds out he was recording, but he got beat up by the main character. In this movie it shows how having nothin, could turn out to be a really cool hand.

  35. In the movie "The Blind Side", Michael Oher lives in one of the poorest neighborhood in the city. He has nothing to his name except the clothes on his back. His father was gone and his mother was nowhere to be found. He had a rough life. That was until he was accepted into a school and joined the football program. He had never played football before, but that didnt stop him from becoming a super star. All the hard times in his old neighborhood toughened him up and made him into a football player. His nothing led him to become the first round pick for the Baltimore Ravens in 2008.

  36. in the movie the battle of britan, the british win against the germans even they have almost nothing to defend themselves, they only had 650 planes while the germans had over 2000 planes yet the british held on and eventualy defeted the germans

  37. In the book the Thief Lord, a bunch of kids who are runaways with no where to go all come together to form a group in Venice. They all have little possesions and little education. they lead of life of theft. They steal to get by and they are very successful at it. They also form a trust and a bond and they never leave anyone behind. They all come from nothing and creat something of significance and meaning.

  38. In the movie, "sometimes nothing can be a really cool hand" refers to literally, a game of poker where a bad hand wins him a lot of money. In the real world, Eminem is a great example of someone that started out with nothing and took advantage. Eminem grew up in a terrible area in Detroit, Michigan where crime was the standard and murders were frequent. His own dad left him and his family when he was young to fend for themselves. Eminem used this to his advantage. Presently, he writes songs about his childhood that reflect how bad it was. He is also very rich as a result. Eminem was dealt a bad hand and proved that "Sometimes nothing can be a really cool hand".

  39. In the movies, Notorious, it goes through The Notorious B.I.G.'s life. He grew up in the ghettos of Brooklyn, New York. He was born with nothing. He started dealing crack to make life better. He was eventually caught and arrested. In jail, he wrote raps in his time. He attracted the attention of big names. He became a very successful rapper, all cause he started with nothing.

  40. There are many times where things from nothing can turn into something very big. This is one of those stories. In the movie, The Pursuit of Happiness, Will Smith and his son are tying to make a living and live a successful life, but Will is having a hard time selling his products and he ends up giving up everything he has including his house, except his son. He then stars to change his product and soon many people are buying them.He then goes on to start over his life and live as happy as can be with his son. This story goes from having nothing, to a very big something
