Friday, May 14, 2010

The Law of the West - Day 1

So today we took a step back into the Old West, and we've met a few characters along the way.

Answer the following question thoughtfully and thoroughly. Be sure to follow the rules of grammar and spelling. And be sure to enter your name to get credit. Keep in mind that there are no repeats allowed, so be sure to read all of the entries before yours.

This first question is for Period 6 students only:

List one rule, spoken or unspoken, that Emmett seems to follow. (Yes, repeats are allowed at this part.) Then descrbie a character from a book or film or television program that follows the same unspoken rule. (No, repeats are not allowed at this part.)

This second question if for Period 8 students only:

List one rule, spoken or unspoken, that Paden seems to follow. (Yes, repeats are allowed at this part.) Then descrbie a character from a book or film or television program that follows the same unspoken rule. (No, repeats are not allowed at this part.)


  1. I would not mess with a man like Paden because he always seems to follow one rule, and that rule is that he gets what he wants. In the scene where the guy at the bar steels Paden's hat was a bad move by the guy. Since Paden has his rule where he gets what he wants it was clear that Paden was going to get his hat back because he wanted it. Since Paden wanted his hat he killed the guy. A character who is like Paden in a way that he gets what he wants is Al Capone. Al Capone always got what he wanted. He wanted alcohol to be in the US even though it was illegal. Since Al wanted alcohol in the US he got it in the US. Therefore Paden and Al Capone are similar.

  2. The one rule that Paden goes by is no one steals his stuff and gets away with it. the one scene when he just gets back to town and he sees one of the guys that stole his horse he ran to the general store and got a piece of junk gun and bullets. he ran back outside and the guy spotted him and Paden shot him when the guy was trying to ride of with his horse. Paden is like Don Vito Corleone he got what he wanted when he wanted it like in the movie godfather. he would just tell his men and it would be done. he also did some stuff by himself so that is why i think Paden is like Don Vito Corleone.

  3. Paden is one bad ass cowboy. He lives by one rule and one rule only. His rule is that if you mess with me, I'll mess with you. When he finds the man who took his hat and gun he politely asked for it back, however when the robber drew his gun, Paden shot him dead. In the movie the The Transporter 2, Jason Statham has the same rule. In the opening scene he is about to be car jacked but he politely asks them to leave. When they decide to try to take the care anyways, Jason goes bolistic and beats the (corn) poops out of them.

  4. The single rule that Paden seems to follow is that whatever is his will always be his, and no one can take that right away from him. When he realized that a man had stolen his horse and was about to get away, the first thing that came to his mind was to find a way to get it back, no matter the consequences. This rule is so strong because when he shot him, it was not for self defense but rather for just getting what was rightfully his. This was something that he could have lived without though but would do anything to get back. In the book The Hunger Games, one of the antagonists named Cato is very similar to Paden because if one of the people in his group during the games tries to take away his role of being the leader of the group, he will not think twice about killing him right on the spot with one of his many weapons. Both of these characters want to keep whatever is theirs, whether that is a horse or a title.

  5. Paden is not afraid to use his gun and kill people. It seems as if he has a certain limit as to how far things can go and when someone steals his possessions, he is not going to show continious mercy. You get one chance to give Paden's item back or else you're dead. In the book series, The Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard, there is an antagonist that haunts the 4 main characeters. They have no idea who it is and the antagonist just goes by "A". A sends text messages to the 4 main characters. A, like Paden, is not afraid of killing certain people who are in the way. A may be more of an extreme case but both these characters give one chance and then kill.

  6. The one rule that Paden seems to follow is that whatever he wants, he gets, and he will ALWAYS get his way. In the movie, some guys betray Paden and leave him for dead in a desert, but not before stealing nearly everything from him. After being rescued by Emmett, Paden arrives at a town where he finds one the men who robbed him and then kills him. On the TV series "Dexter", the main protagonist is a blood splatter analyst and part-time serial killer. Throughout the series he goes through great lengths to get what he wants, to keep his true identity as a serial killer a secret and to continue killing. Dexter and Paden share the same unspoken rule because when one character wanted to avoid detection and the other wanted revenge, in the end, they both got their way.

  7. One unspoken rule that Emmett followed was to respect others privacy. He would not interfere with other people's business or ask them to explain themselves. Instead he would let them tell him what they wanted when they wanted to. Emmett used this form of respect when he encountered a person just as “The Man with No Name” from the movie the "Good the Bad and the Ugly" did. Emmett, just as “The Man with No Name” encountered many strangers during their travels through the west but neither broke the code of respecting other's privacy.

  8. One rule that Emmett seems to follow is that he doesn't provoke a fight he's an ask questions first kind of guy.One example is when he tells the truth with the negro in the bar and he doesn't think about being racist and he tells the truth. Another person who does this is Will from Ranger's Apprentice The Sorcerer of the North. Will is defending a castle that is being attacked by raiders and he rides out to discuss with the raiders why they are attacking and he realized that they didn't have provisions so he offered to give them provisions and he sent them on their way.

  9. Emmett seems to fallow the rule of caring. He cares for his brother. So much so that he broke him out of jail so he would not be hung the fallowing day. He also cared enough about discrimination to mention to the sheriff that the black man was not causing any harm. He did the best that he could in each situation to make sure each person was safe. This concern for others safety is the representation of characteristic of caring. Emmett's concern for others is like that of Jennifer Love Hewitt's character Melinda Gordon in the television show Ghost Whisperer. In the television show Melinda sees earthbound ghosts and helps them go into the light, or what many of us would call heaven. She does not need to help these lost souls but she cares enough for them and feels that it her her responsibility to help them after death. So in conclusion Emmett is like Melinda in the way that they both carry the trait of caring to its fullest extent.

  10. Anthony IvankovichMay 16, 2010 at 8:02 AM

    Paden always seems to follow the rule, "if you steal something of mine, im gonna take it back and kill you while i take it back". Another person that follows these kinds of rules is Frank Castle from The Punisher. His family was killed by mobsters. He set out on revenge to kill the mobster family from the inside. Even though Paden just had his clothes stolen, and its a lot different than having your family killed, Frank Castle shows this same characteristic as Paden

  11. I believe Emmett truly believes responsibility is a vital part of life. Emmett has shown responsibility in that he looks out for his little brother (Kevin Costner). He almost has something of foresight and can know when his brother is in trouble. He realizes, after coming into town looking for his brother and finding him in jail, that he has to do something, and in this case that is bust him out. Another character who shows responsibility in this respect is Alfred Ludlow from the movie legends of the fall. After he and his brother Tristan Ludlow have had a fall out after fighting for their father's love and cheating with each other's girlfriends, Tristan get's into a showdown with rival bootlegger's and get's close to being shot at the last minute Alfred swoops in and takes the final bad guy out. Alfred feels a responsibility even after holding animosity towards his brother, to be there in the end to save him.

  12. Emmett seems to follow the unspoken rule of getting his brother out of trouble. When his brother was found in jail, he thought of a plan that would get him out. He made a distraction which was the fire to get the sheriff away from the jail. Then he brought horses to his brother and Paden in their escape. In Saving Private Ryan, Capt. John Miller and his troops are sent deep into France to risk their lives for another soldier. Although the troops think that it is a dumb idea to risk their lives for just one other, John Miller makes it a rule that they will go after him. Emmett and John Miller both have rules that make them go and help another person that is in trouble.

  13. One rule that Emmett follows is of good nature. He helps everyone he comes across. He finds a man; he has never met before, in the middle of the desert and Emmett takes Paden with him and cares of him. Then they go into town and Emmett and Paden are eating in a restaurant when violence breaks out. Emmett tells the policeman the truth when the guys who started the fight lie about what really happened. This rule that Emmett follows is like the movie Forrest Gump. Forrest goes through different events throughout history. In these events he always finds ways to help someone no matter what.

  14. A rule Emmit follows is to keep his mouth shut to stay out of trouble. When the black man wants to get a drink, he gets kicked out and almost beat. Emmit stays in his sit and just watches. When he finds his brother in jail, he said he couldn't help him while the officer is in the room. When they escape, he burns the lynching post and escapes with them. If he were to speak in the jail cell, he would be found more suspicious. If he were to speak for the black man, he would be kicked out of the store as well and likely beat up. Emmit keeps his mouth shut to stay out of trouble

  15. The rule that Emmit follows is no man left behind. He does not care who the person is but if that person needs help he will give that person help. For example he saw Paden on the ground in the middle of the desert and he could of looked at him and thought it is not my problem and move on but he didn't. He went out of his way to help out a random stranger. Later he also helped break his little brother and Paden out of jail. This type of behavior is shown in the movie "Blackhawk Down". The soldiers in that movie make sure that no one is left behind even if they are dead. They call medics over even if death is inevitable for the wounded soldier because they want to see to it that everyone makes it back alive. They risk their lives for each other. In one scene two special ops soldiers drop into and area where a helicopter crashed and do everything in their power to try and make sure that the piolet gets out of there. They go into a shootout that they know they will not win just to save the life of another man. Emmit and the men in "Blackhawk Down" all follow the rule No man left behind.

  16. In Terminator Salvation the main character named John Connor is a lot like P he Paden he gets what he wants get done and keeps his friends close just how Paden does in Silverado.When he sees a friend in trouble he helps because he got helped by other people just how Emmit helped him. So I think they both have a lot in common.

  17. Paden seems like he can be a nice guy but as everyone else is saying, he wants what's his and he will not take no for an answer. Paden may be a little over dramatic considering he killed a guy for not returning his hat but that just proves that what's his is his and he would go to great length's to get his stolen items back. Paden's character reminds me a lot of Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl. Blair thrives to be the most popular and if someone gets in the way of that, she blackmails them till she is on top again. Though she never has a problem with getting her actual items stolen, it's the same idea and same rule that Paden seems to follow.

  18. Emmett follows the silent rule of not being judgmental, yet open minded and clever because you never know what life is going to bring. Emmett believes that what goes around comes around. For the first part of the movie he shows that he is not condemnatory and he will give people a chance. While he meets Paden, a random stranger he offers him help and is open minded. He doesn’t yet realize how great of a guy he is and how close of friends they will become throughout their journey. Emmett is also very clever. While finding his brother in jail he doesn’t judge him for what he did, yet he simply says he deserved what he asked for. When breaking Paden and his little brother out of jail he is accompanied by the African who he stood up for at the bar. Emmet will help anyone as long as they seem to deserve it. He believes that everyone will get what they really earn, and if you’re a bad guy something is bound to come after you and bite you in the ass. By living his life with this rule in mind, Emmett reminds me of a dog named “Odie” from the movie “Garfield”. He saves the big fat cat while he was being a jerk to him. Even though he knows Garfield doesn’t like him he is there and later when Odie faces trouble, Garfield comes around and pulls him out. For me this movie is about friendship and it demonstrates that what goes around comes around.

  19. Paden seems to follow the rule of what goes around comes around. Every time someone messes with him, he usually gets back at them by not getting back at them. For example, someone steals his horse, and he finds it in a town. The man who stole his horse takes out his gun and starts shooting at Paden. He only shoots the thief in self-defense, and this is why he is not arrested by the sheriff. This reminds me of the killer in Dirty Harry, after the murders stop. Dirty Harry tortures the killer, and this gives him the opportunity to make money by suing him because one is innocent until proven guilty. Harry gets demoted because of this, and the killer gets off free. However, in an attempt to make more money off Harry, he gets himself beat up and tells the press that it was Harry. The day after he is released from the hospital Harry kills him while he is attempting to kidnap schoolchildren. The rule that saved the killer also got him killed.

  20. The one unspoken rule that Paden follows is if you don't bother him, he won't bother you. In the movie Ant Bully, there is a kid who sprays water on Ants for no reason. Why harm Ants, when they did not do anything to harm you? Therefore the next day the boy turns into an ant and feels the pain that those ants got when he sprayed water on them. He goes in to the footsteps of those ants.

  21. Emmet follows the unspoken rule of respect. No matter what kind of person he gets tangled up with, he treats them like anyone else. A black man walks into a bar and gets into a fight with a bunch of white people. Of course the white people lie and say that the black man started it, then Emmet steps in and says he didn’t. Back in the day there was not a lot of respect going around for that type of person, yet Emmet viewed it as normally as he would with anyone else. In the movie “Talladega Nights” Cal Nawton Jr. marries Ricky Bobby’s wife, takes his house, takes his money, and still wants to be best friends. Even though bad circumstances occurred because everyone thought Ricky Bobby’s career would be over, Cal still wanted to be best friends and didn’t view him any differently.

  22. An unspoken rule that Emmett follows is take care of the people around him. Emmett is always getting his friends out of trouble and back to their daily lives. For example, he got his brother out from the jail and helped a black man escape from the other white men. He never expects someone to return the favor. Emmett always is a stable, strong individual, which makes him not in need of help. I find him very trustworthy and respectful towards other people but yet helping them in need. Emmett reminds me of Finding Nemo. Marlin, the father clown fish, is always lokking out for his son, Nemo. Marlin is always trying to keep Nemo out and away from trouble. He is always keeping him safe. When Nemo gets taken fron divers, Marlin goes through multiple obstacles and far from home to rescue Nemo. Marlin and Emmett are both always keeping others out of trouble and safe.

  23. Paden definitely follows the rule/saying "my way or the highway". This is especially shown in the bar scene where he spots a man wearing his beloved hat. He asks the man to surrender that hat giving him fair warning that he is not to be messed with. When the man refuses and tries to shoot Paden, Paden shoots him dead before he can get to his feet. Another character who follows this same code is EOD Sergeant First Class William James from the movie "The Hurt Locker". Being a reckless master at disarming explosives of all kind, he immediately builds tension between him and his teammates his first day on duty with his unorthodox methods. However his team can't do anything about it because they know he is the best, having defused over 870 explosives. It most certainly seems to his team that when it comes to defusing bombs, it is Sgt. James' way or no way at all.

  24. Padan follows the golden rule, treat others how you want to be treated, only its reversed for him. If he's treated bad, he'll mess that other guy up. Padan will treat you as you treat him. Timothy McGee from NCIS follows this rule to some extent. When Tony Dinozzo (co-worker) plays multiple tricks, McGee gets back at him. For example, after Dinozzo made an online gaming account and "internet-dated" McGee, McGee got back at him by making his browser so messed up it would mess up every 10 seconds.

  25. Paden follows the rule that he gets what he wants so if you mess with him, he'll mess with you. A couple of guys steal his horse and hat and leave him out in the desert to die, but then Emmett finds him and saves him. But later when they go into town and Paden spots the men, he doesn't hesitate to kill them because he wants his horse and hat back, instead of not risking going to jail and letting them keep it. This reminds me of the main character from Law Abiding Citizen, Where he gets his family killed and the man who does it only get 10 years. He finds this very unfair and wants the criminal to get life in jail. So he starts killing the people that were involved in the case and tells them that he won't stop until he gets what he wants: change in the law system.

  26. Emmet always takes care of the people near him, unless they do something to him that will annoy him. An example of this is when he finds Paden in the desert almost dead and dehydrated. He takes care of him and nurses him back to health. He also breaks his brother and Paden out of jail later on in the movie. Emmet is like the character Boo Radley from "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. Boo saves the lives of two young children and is always looking out for them and keeping them safe like emmet does with the people that are close to him.

  27. Emmet seems to follow the unspoken rule of respect. No matter what, he is always treating everyone equally. For example, when the black man walks into the bar and gets tangled up with all these white men, Emmet is the one to tell them off and say he didn't do something that the other white men had claimed he had. This shows the lack of respect people had back then, and the certain race you saw in different towns. Yet, Emmet showed respect even if it meant being viewed differently from the rest of your "crew." Emmet is like the character Scarlett O'Hara from the movie, "Gone with the Wind." Even though she lives in the south, and has to follow the laws of slavery, she views the world differently and believes that god is her witness and all people are family to her. She shows respect for all people, even if they are shown otherwise to the rest of the white people living in the south around her.

  28. Marques The AwesomeMay 16, 2010 at 7:17 PM

    Paden follows the unspoken rule of what goes around, comes around. When he finds the guy that stole his horse, he ends up shooting the guy. When Paden finds the guy who stole his hat in the saloon, he shoots him in return. In the movie Taken, Bryan Mills has his daughter Kim abducted by human traffickers. He kills everyone involved and in his way in return to get his daughter back.

  29. Paden follows the code that if you don't bother him he won't bother you. In the movie there was a guy who stole his hat and he killed the guy for that. In the tv show heroes, noah bennett was like that. he never let his kids be attact. He worked for a company who took people with abilities and documented and manipulated them. he in the end had to protect his daughter because she had an ability and he didn't want them to know about it. They eventually find out but not after many people die who try to get her.

  30. One rule that Paden follows is he does what ever he wants when he wants to, and also if he sees you with his stuff he'll try to get it back no matter what. In the movie The Transporter, the main actor begins by telling all his clients his rules if they want him hired. Basically if he gets what he wants then they get what they want.

  31. Emmit seems to follow the unspoken rule of minding your own business. Emmit does not ask about other people's problems or why they are doing what they are doing. He just carries on and lets the other person explain if they want to, or not talk at all. In the mini-series The Pacific, this is very similar to what Robert Leckie follows. He does not ask questions about things that are not having to do with him. He lets other people explain if they want, or ignore him if they do not want to. And he does not pester people about their past or what is their reasons for doing something. Both Emmit and Robert follow the same unspoken rule of minding their own business.

  32. The rule that Paden seems to always follow is the rule that no one messes with him or they better be ready to deal with a lot of trouble from him. A man stole his horse and that man eventually died because of that. Another man stole Paden's hat and he died too. Paden is alot like Michael Madsen's character Sonny Black, from the movie Donnie Brasco. Sonny always got what he wanted because he was the head of the mafia in New York. One of Sonny's past right hand mans went off on his own and created another mafia that challenged Sonny's mafia. And in the end, that man and his own right hand mans were killed by Sonny and his help. Also Sonny believed that he had a "rat" in his mafia and killed one of his own when there was no "rat". Both Paden and Sonny follow the same rule, whether people spread the word about it or they just know about it physiologically; never ever mess with Sonny Black or Paden or be ready to deal with a whole lot of trouble

  33. Emmet follows the unspoken rule of being respectful.In the Movie, "Silverado", a black man entered a bar. The man caused trouble, and every other guy was up trying to beat the black man. And Emmet was just sitting in the back with Paden, and told the white men to stop. Back then, it seems like respect was not shown a lot back then. In the movie Grease, there is a girl named Sandy. Sandy was a very polite and respectful young woman. She never spoke out of turn, and only spoke when something was needed to be said, and nobody else speaks it.

  34. Chelsea JerominskiMay 17, 2010 at 9:14 AM

    One rule that Paden always seems to follow is if you disobey the law, he has the right to kill you. When he saw the man who stole his horse, his first instinct was to kill him. He feels it should be an eye for an eye. So if he stole seomthing of his, he can hurt him as a punishment. In the show 24, Jack Bauer also follows the same rule as Paden. Someone killed Jack's love interest, so to get even with them he killed everyone who helped kill her. He also believed in an eye for an eye. They both feel it is their right to get revenge on people who wronged them.

  35. Emmet follows the unspoken rule of caring for other people. Emmet was riding along in a desert when he finds a man laying on the ground wearing only underwear, Emmet helps him up and sets up a camp with him and brings him into town with him. Emmet showed that he cared because he could have just left the man there, but he decided to do the right thing and help him out. Which hows that he cares for other people. Another character that follows the unspoken code of caring for other people is Boo Radley from To Kill a Mackingbird. Boo really cares for Scout and Jem but hes locked up in a house all day so he cant express it. Boo gives the kids all sorts of cool pieces of garbage, that a kid would love. Such as a brocken watch or little soap carvings. Not only that but Boo also stiches up Jem's pants when the get caught on the Radley's fence. Lastly, he even risks his own life to save Jem and Scout, now if thats not caring then i don't know what is. Those are some reasons how both Boo Radley, and Emmet follow the unspoken rule of caring.

  36. Paden has only one unspoken rule, that rule is that he demands respect and gives respect no matter what just like "Biggie Smalls", he demanded respect and was respected as well as he respected everyone out there that was close to him, after all, treat others how you would like to be treated

  37. In the move, Paden always sems to follow his own rules and make everyone follows what every he says. If one does not follow him, then he belives that he will have the right to kill you. Paden reminds me a lot of the main character from 24, Jack Bower. Jack bower is a federal agent that works for a govermental agency called CTU. Jack is usually the guy to save the day. However through his intergations of suspects, he would start to break laws in order to get the answers that he needs. If he didn’t get the right answer or he belives that they are holding something back from him, he would torcher them. As a result of this, he would get into big touble or be rewarded greatly. Paden and Jack are very simmular by their determination on getting the job done and doing what they belive is right no matter the consequences from their superiors.

  38. Paden is a rough and rigid man. He seems to never take anything from anyone else. Paden reminds me of Jason Bourne from the Bourne movies. Bourne doesn't take kindly to people that don't agree with him or are out to get him. He believes one bullet can fix any problem.

  39. Paden is the kind of guy who doesn't take crap from anyone. If they break the law or do something that isn't right then he has every right to kill him. He reminds me a lot of the Terminator, because when he see something that he doesn't like or he see someone hurt someone that he loves he feels that he has every right to kill that person.

  40. Paydon goes by the rule that if someone does something bad to him or someone else they do not get away with it. Paydon acts upon something if it can be justified. he does not just do something to do it. When he does something to a person there is a reason or because that person deserved it. In the soap opera general hospital the character sonny also lives by this rule. He is considered a mobster of the town of port charles. If someone does something bad to him or to someone he loves or is close to there is no chance of them getting away with it. He will make them pay for it no matter what. Sonny and Paydon are both different people but they live by this rule and show it in different ways.

  41. Paydon goes by the rule that no one messes with him, and I think that law holds firm through most of the film. It doesn't matter what motive they were under, if you mess with Paydon, your goin down. Hard. I think that Paydon can be related to Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino. When the asian kids step on his lawn and mess with his neighbors, oh man, they're done for.

  42. Emmet follows an unspoken rule that if you mess with his family he will mess you up. He will do anything to protect his family, who are all very important to when his brother was in jail, and was to be hung, he broke out his brother. And when he found out his family had been hurt and kidnapped he was ready to kick some butt even though he had nearly escaped death, he put aside the pain for his family.This reminds me of shark boy from shark boy and lava girl. shark boy will go through any lengths to find his father even though it is said he is dead. He was willing to risk his own life to find his father and thats the characteristic or unspoken rule that shark boy and emmett live by. If you mess with family, your dead.
