Monday, May 17, 2010

Law of the West - Day 2

This entry is for period 6 and 8 students.

Let's review real quick the Silverado cast of characters:

There's Paden and Hannah






and Slick and Rae.

So here's the question of the day: With which character do you most relate and why?

Hints: be sure to discuss your response in a thoughtful, thorough paragraph. Be sure to consider the dimensional aspects of each character. In other words, see the characters for the 3-dimensional characters they are, not simply as 'the gunman, 'the whore,' or 'the sidekick.'


  1. The character I am most like in the movie is Mal. Mal is a very trustworthy person once you get to earn his trust. He also thinks greatly of family, even though he left his family and never saw them again until recent events occurred. For example, when Mal returned back home, he discovered that things were worse than when he left. So he decides to go and make things right with his father by trying to earn his trust by getting back the farm and also with his sister. Mal also has a general sense of what is right and what is wrong because he knows what side to stick with even when there is a fight.

  2. I would say that the character i am most like is Mal. He is a very thought out man who is passionate about his family. He Comes back to his home where his mom had asked him to go but finds out she is dead. He always seems to want the best for his family and does not take crap from anyone. He had left his family a long time ago and he wanted to make amends. I think he is going to take revenge for his fathers death. if someone killed my family i would take revenge on them too.

  3. Rae is probably the character that I can most relate to because she is one of the people that are not really responsible for the situation that they are being put in. She would have had better things to do than to waste her time with a man as cold as Slick. Rae has had to worry about both of her parents having problems without the help of her brother to even out the weight. When Mal comes to her and tells her that he is finally home, she does not want to hear any of his excuses because she feels that she has been abandoned by everyone and does not believe that she has a family. Prostitution may have just been a way for her to feed herself and to somehow start feeling important. For these reasons, she is the only person in this entire movie that I feel some sort of sympathy for.

  4. I feel the character I am most like in Silverado is Mal. Mal thinks that if someone does a kind act of respect out of the goodness of his heart, he believes that that is a debt that should be repaid. When Mal is about to get kicked out or possibly shot in the bar scene, Emmett vouches for him in order to save him and do the right thing because his punishment would have come out of an act of racism. He later then saves them in return by giving them cover fire as they try to make their escape after breaking Jake out of prison. I can relate to this because whenever someone either gives me a compliment or they call a doctor when nobody else is around after I broke my arm, I still feel the need to repay them in whatever way I possibly can.

  5. The person that I think that I would relate the most to would probably be Emmett. The reason I think this is because he is kind of a quiet person. Also he just gets what he has to do done when he gets the chance. Another characteristic he has that we share is that if sees a friend in need you know you can count on him. I think he is a very trustworthy character in the movie.

  6. I think I am most like in Silverado is Jake. Jake seems to be a goofy troublemaker that always find himself into some kind of trouble, right or wrong. Jake also weasels himself out of trouble with the help of his Gaurdian in Emmett. I feel that i get myself into trouble by accident at times, even when I mean no harm, similar to Jake.

  7. The character that most resembles me is probably Paden. I don't enjoy getting into trouble. When Jake was in jail and Emmett was going to break him out, he wanted to stay behind. I would have been too scared to break into jail for a person I didn't even know. I'm a revengeful person and I don't like it when people steal my stuff, so I would get my stuff back like Paden did. He is a nice guy and I think I am pretty nice. He is trustworthy and someone you can rely on. He is also on the look out for good looking people. :)

  8. The person that I feel I relate to the most in the movie Silverado is Jake. Jake seems to be spontaneous and makes his life exciting by having fun. Jake is always getting in trouble, mainly things he doesn't know is wrong. Jake seems to alwya shave fun in his life by doing things that are fun. He is never really sitting back and relaxing. He is always outside doing things he wants to do.

    By the way, Jake's pistols are awesome.

  9. Anthony IvankovichMay 17, 2010 at 4:25 PM

    The character that i feel i relate to the most in the movie Silverado is Emmett. Jake is his little brother and is always getting into trouble. Emmett is pretty much always there to help him. He saved jakes life once by killing a man and then serving 5 years in prison, and then he helped Jake escape from Jail. I also have a little brother and i know first hand how hard they can be to handle. When my brother is in trouble i always try to help him out, except for when i know as a fact that he is the one that started it ( which is most of the time). THis is why i feel that i relate best to Emmett.

  10. The character I would relate to is Paden. Paden rides alongside Emmit and he is one of the smarter guys when it comes to difficult situations. Paden is also gentleman and does what is right. Paden helps those in trouble such as Jake in jail escaping, and he spoke up for Mal at the bar. He is also very good at what he does such as riding horses and using his gun. Paden is an intelligent person with lots of talent in his hobbies. That is how I best relate to the character Paden

  11. The person I relate to the most is Jake. This is because Jake is one of the guys who would fool around and get into trouble. One example is when he gets in jail and says "all I did was kiss a gill". Jake won't really pay attention to rules and he will not think things through as much. In the end Jake is just like me with him being a fun loving guy and he just wants to do what ever he wants do.

  12. The character in Silverado that I seem to relate to the most is Jake, because he is kind of a jokester who wants to have fun and gets himself into trouble. He doesnt always follow the rules, but he is always finding ways to have fun.

  13. The character i relate to is Jake. Jake is Emitt's brother and he's kind of like the " I'm going to do what ever i want and you can't stop me" guy. He's got a lot of swagger, and what I mean by this is that he always finds a way to have fun and be him self for example, when he got into jail, he said he kissed a girl and then shot the cops who were after him, by doing what he wants makes him the guy i relate to.

  14. The charecter I relate to the most is Jake. Yes I'm a girl, but I have a brother who cares for my safety and I like to have fun. He is spontanoise and can change his mind in a second, just like me. The best charecteristic that the two of us share though is that we both somehow always miss danger. He is almost killed countless times and I wiggle out of common troubles as easy counting to 1-2-3. As different as Jake and I are he is the most similar charecter to me in the movie Silverado.

  15. I had meant to write spontaneous.

  16. The character i feel i relate to mostly is Jake. I like to have fun, mess around, and have a smile on my face no matter the situation. But when i want to be serious i can. I also know i can rely on people like Jake relied on Emmett to break him out of prison. Jake also gets into trouble for dumb things which happens to me a lot, and between my friends i am usually the one that always jokes around or knows how to keep their spirits up.

  17. I believe the character that fits me the best is Jake. I feel like trouble always finds him, and it definitely always finds me. He is a goofy character with a good sense of right and wrong and a quick smile. He is very funny guy and has a big strut, and is the first to start shooting. I believe that some of these characteristics fit me to. Silverado is a great movie and Jake relates to me in many ways. I always manage to escape trouble for the time being, but it always finds me later.

  18. The charactor that I can realte to the most is Jake. I can relate to him the most because I am the one who can get themselves in trouble or a sticky situation without even knowing it, because I think I am just having fun but I know that I always have people around me who are always there to help me get back on my feet.

  19. The character that I can mostly relate to is probably Emmett. Like Emmett, I can be a quiet person and live my own life quietly but when trouble comes, I won't stay still. In the beginning of the film,Emmett was being shot at. He ventures out and that is what I would do. I would not just sit still, I have to do something.
    Also, Emmett is very loyal to his brother. We both have annoying, mischevious younger brothers that always seems to find trouble before trouble finds them. No matter what the consequences are, I would help my brother get out of jail.

  20. I can mostly relate to Padan, because Padan is a guy that just lets life go on without much worrying or planning ahead. If there was a dire situation, he might plan for 3 or 5 minutes but it wont take him too long to find a way out of it. I feel the same way with life, what goes on just goes on. He also sticks up for what he believes in whether people laugh at it or not. He's one guy most people would be scared to meet, but at the same time kind of honored to meet such a man.

  21. I think I am most like in Silverado is Mal. He decides to come back and help his family after he left. It was a big decision he had to make and put his family first. Since his mother passed away, the only people he had left was his Dad, and Rae. Rae does not want to have any part of him, especially when he came and asked her for help. His dad got shot by people that were hired. He just wants peace, love and justice. That is basically me, i want peace no fighting, trying to solve things without hate and fighting. He wants criminals to go to jail, and the people innocent be free. He cares for his family.

  22. The character i can most relate to is Emmet. Emmet doesn't really ever go crazy in the movie and hes pretty mellow, he doesn't act like his crazy little brother Jake or go fall in love like Paden. Emmet just keeps his cool no matter what the problem is. I can relate because i don't really go crazy or go out looking for trouble. I like keeping my cool and not getting worked up. Plus whenever my little sister gets in trouble, i have to help her out just like Emmet does when he rescues his brother from jail.

  23. The character I can most relate to is probably Hannah. She seems to be really quiet and just kind of follows the pack. She is very respectful and obedient, sort to say. I feel like I relate to this character the most because I tend to just "go with the flow," and whatever comes my way or whatever everyone else seems to be doing, I'll go with it. I'm just the type of person who comes out shy, but in the end fights hard just like Hannah is doing with the rest of the "pack" she is following into Silverado.

  24. If I had to choose one character that I most relate to, I would pick Jake. I am most like Jake because I feel I would be the one to cause trouble and have to be bailed out by my friends or family. I am not always the most cautious and I do things sometimes, before thinking about them first. Some parts of me better relate to other characters, but overall, I am most like Jake.

  25. I feel that the character that i am the most like is Paden. Paden does not seem to worry too much about life or what is going to happen, but he can take care of things if the job needs to be done. Also, when he gets screwed over he gets the people back that did it.

  26. The character I am most similar to is Stella. This is because she stands up for herself even though she doesnt have much say when it comes to arguements with other people. Stella sticks up for what she thinks is right and the people whom she thinks did the right act. Stella also does not like to see the people she cares about get in fights.

  27. i feel that the character i am most like is Jake because he just likes to have fun and doesnt think about the trouble he would get himself into. And when he gets into trouble he always seems to find a way out of it or just seems clueless to the fact that he did anything wrong. I am most like him because i dont realize that i can get into trouble until after i do something and it still doesnt really bother me because i usually find a way out just like jake. he is just a really relaxed person who lives in the present and doesnt let the past or future affect him.

  28. I think hte charachter i am most like is jake. Jake always like to have fun and doesnt think about hte trouble he could get himself into even though it always comes back to bite him. Even thought he gets in trouble, he still managaes to find a way out of it every time whether it be by himself or from people who care about him. I am most like jake because i do things without thinking about the outcome but it usually isnt a good one, but i also manage to get out of trouble when i get into it just like jake. Also Jake is just a person who likes to live in the present and not let the past or future affect him.

  29. The character that I am most like is Mal. Mal is a mostly quiet character that is trustworthy. He always seems to pop up when you need him most. He is always there for you when you need him. He is also a very reliable person who works hard to get what he wants. He is also a very vengful person. If you harm him or his family he will get you back, but if you leave him alone he will leave you alone.

  30. I feel I am most like the character Hannah. She seems very shy and goes with the flow. She acts very respectful, and never speaks out of turn. She wants to own land, and thinks it is beautiful. I find nature very beautiful. She fights for what she wants, and I fight until I get what I want.

  31. Chelsea JeromiskiMay 17, 2010 at 7:39 PM

    The character i most relate to in the movie Silverade is Emmett. Emmett is loyal to his friends and family and will do anything to get them out of trouble. He is protective of his brother Jake and always makes sure that nothing happens to him. I am also protective over my family and would do the same things Emmett did to save one of his family members. Emmett is very fair too. When Mal got into trouble at the bar, he stuck up for him because he knew he did nothing wrong. He was willing to be kicked out for telling the truth. I would act the same way in that situation and i try to be as fair as i can just like Emmett.

  32. The character that resembles me the most in the movie Silverado is Mal. He is an intellegent and kind man who strongly believes in fairness. Throughout the movie he encountered unfairness whether it be because of his race or the property he owned but he pressed on in hope of a fair society. Mal loves his family very much and traveled all the way from Chicago to help when his family needed him. Mal resembles me because I also believe in fairness for everyone. I feel very fortunate to have such a great family and like Mal I would do anything to help them.

  33. I think I relate to Paden the most because he often finds himself in ridiculous situations, such as finding his stolen horse and hat, and some other scenes. Fairly often, I will find myself in a situation that makes me even wonder what I was thinking to get into it. Just like Paden, I eventually have to face up to the problem. Even when it is not his problem so much, like the scene with Cob and Kelly. Cob kills Kelly after a supposed attempt at killing Cob. Paden witnesses all this and is torn between two sides: Cob's side and the side of the public, who completely disapproves of this. Just like him, I often find myself torn between two sides of something. Sometimes it is easy to disagree with one side, other times it is not, and it usually results in compromise. I have no doubt that Paden will eventually confront Cob about this.

  34. The character that i can relate to the most is Paden. Paden is caring and trustworthy guy who believes strongly that justice will be served to all who deserve it. He is a nice enough man however if he had to, he would pump you full of lead. He always keeps a clear head and knows when enough is enough. I think that I can relate to him the most because I can see where a line is drawn, and if it is crossed I know how to deal with it.

  35. I believe that I am most like Paden. He is quiet and just goes with the flow. He rides with Emmett and helps him with his troubles without saying much at all. At times he can be leader and other times he is a follower. And I feel like he is almost identical to me because I am the same way. Also Paden has no trouble making friends or having a good time.

  36. I believe that I am most like Paden. He is quiet and just goes with the flow. He rides with Emmett and helps him with his troubles without saying much at all. At times he can be leader and other times he is a follower. And I feel like he is almost identical to me because I am the same way. Also Paden has no trouble making friends or having a good time.

  37. Mr. Sectional - Marques "The Blur"May 17, 2010 at 9:50 PM

    I think I'm most like Jake. I tend to fool around sometimes and wind up in some trouble. For example, the incident where I spilled the gatorade. Very foolish and I got banned from gatorade for a while. But when it gets down to business, I'm as serious as anyone. I don't strike people as the type to be the guy that get 50/50 on a vocab test(not to brag). When Jake is in danger, he's a marksman with his magnum.

  38. The character from Silverado that I relate to is probably Mal. Like him, at times I feel like I don't truly want what my family wants nor do I understand them. However I care for them a lot despite the distance that may be between us. Another similarity that I have with Mal is my loyalty to my friends. When Emmett saves Mal at the bar, saying that it was self defense, Mal thanks him and leaves. Later Mal helps chase off the sheriff and his men that are pursuing Emmett, Jake and Paden.

  39. I think I am most like the character Jake from Silverado. Jake is more or less the trouble maker in the movie. He also has a very evident sense of humor. Jake seems as though he does things before thinking them through. This sometimes gets him in trouble, but when it is time to get serious, understands and does what he is told. I also like to goof off and have a good time, but I know when enough is enough.

  40. I think that the person I am most like is Stella.Not only for the physical reasons however(i'm very short as well). Stella is very used to adpting her life to fit the situation she is placed in. She is a very strong willed individual and can stand alongside the best of them. Even if she has to use a bar stool to do it. I, like Stella, have had to adapt the way I do things to fit my life many times.

  41. I think the character that I am most like is Jake. Jake is the younger brother who always seems to need his brothers help. This is like me because I have three older brothers, and no matter what i will always need them to help me when i get into trouble, just like Jake.

  42. I think that the character that I am most like is Stella. Stella is always calm and collected, like the time where she help saved Cobb's life. Stella likes to run a saloon with pride and dignity. She wants to make sure that everything and every one in her saloon is okay and having a good time. I think Stella is a strong woman who knows what she is doing and how she wants her life to go. She is definitely someone who I could relate to the most.

  43. I think the character i am most like and can relate to is Mal. Mal is someone who realizes when something is not right or is unfair and he is not afraid to stand u for it. He knew that it was not right that his father could not farm on that land and he knew that it was his fathers land so he confronted the people that controlled it. If i realized that something was not fair i would confront someone about it as well. Mal is also someone who loves his family and will do anything for them. that is also like me.

  44. think the character i am most like and can relate to is Mal. Mal is someone who realizes when something is not right or is unfair and he is not afraid to stand u for it. He knew that it was not right that his father could not farm on that land and he knew that it was his fathers land so he confronted the people that controlled it. If i realized that something was not fair i would confront someone about it as well. Mal is also someone who loves his family and will do anything for them. that is also like me.

  45. The character I am most like is Emmet. He is very protective over his family and loyal to others. Emmet would do anything to help his family and so would I. He also stuck up for someone when they were not being treated fairly. If I was there when those men were not treating Mal fairly i would stand up for him too.

  46. I think my personality mostly matches Mal. He is very respectful, yet in the end he always gets what he wants. While in the bar he could easily defend himself and when he got thrown out he still took that last shot that he paid for. I believe I'm like Mal, even though I am a girl, because he is very passionate about his family and he is willing to help anyone. He also shows a lot of creativity, for example, when he hid behind the rock to help some strangers. Mal is also very strong on the outside and on the inside. When he finds out that his father dies, he will go look for revenge and do something about it, unlike his uncaring sister. I think Mal is a great character in the movie, and I believe I can relate to his behavior.

  47. I think that the character that i resemble the most is Jake. Jake always seems to get into trouble even though the other guy started it. When i get into trouble my friends and family always have to get me out of it. Also, Jake always seems to have fun and just to play around. Also, you hardly see Jake with a frown on his face and that is similar to me. Jake also has to rely on people for things to get around. I think that i am similar to all characters but the character that i am most similar to is Jake.

  48. I feel like the character I am most like in Silverado is Emmett. Emmett is a lay low guy that occasionally gets in trouble with authority. I have the same porblem. I am never going to be the guy that stands out in a negative way from the rest of the pack but I do occasionally get in trouble. Emmett gets in trouble trying to save his brother. I always get in trouble when I try to defend someone like my brother at home. That is why I am most like Emmett from Silverado.

  49. I think I'm most like paden because he didn't really care what is going on in life but when it comes to family or a job he can get it done and that is how I am. Paden also knows alot of people because he has been all over the place and I am like that I have lived in six different states.

  50. The character I relate most to is Mal becuase he shows much love to his family even though he left them, he shows his love by coming back to where his mom asked to, he is also a very trustable guy once you get to know his good side, just like me

  51. The character I relate to the most is Hannah. Hannah wants people to see who she really is, and doesn't want to hide behind something she is not. I want people to really see who I am, and not like me for what I have or what I do. Also, she wants to farm for a living, which is a harder life. I really want to have a job that takes time and energy, not something simple and easy. Hannah is also guarded to people she doesn't know, and I can be like that sometimes too.

  52. The character I relate most to in the film is Stella. I believe I am most like her because throughout my days of school or outside of school, I seem to think i know what the best is for everyone else, and when something goes south, I am quick to blame myself. Also, Stella is a leader, with undying loyalty to her family and friends. Also, she connects deeply with her friends, trying to help them out through the good and the bad, and never leaving their side through the worst of days.

  53. The character i think that i relate to the most to is Hannah. She really likes the outdoors and really appreciates the beauty of nature. She seems to not mind what others think of her, and lives life the way she wants to, and if people dont agree with her she could care less. She isn't afraid of hard work and she knows if you take the hard way it'll pay off in the end. She seems smart and cant tell when people are lieing to her. Hannah has alot of good qualities and i dont have all of them but i respect her individual lifestyle.

  54. paden because we both try too keep our cool as long as possible.
