Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Law of the West - Day 3

This entry is for period 6 students only:

Select one character from Silverado, one character from any of the major texts we've read in class this semester (A Raising in the Sun, Of Mice and Men, or To Kill a Mockingbird), and prove, using examples from both the book and the movie, that the two characters both follow the same unspoken code of conduct. (Be sure to state directly what that code of conduct is.)

This entry is for period 8 students only:

Select one character from Silverado and answer this question: What unspoken rule of conduct of this character are we as audience members supposed to emulate after seeing the film? (Be sure to cite examples from the film proving that the character actually modeled this behavior.) In other words, according to this character, by what code of conduct are we supposed to live our lives?


  1. Stella from Silverado and Atticus from To Kill A Mockingbird both treat people the way they want to be treated. They both fallow the golden rule. Stella treats everyone she meets with respect, like when she first met Paden she spoke to him respectably and even when she talks ill of people. An example of herslightly add partial respect is Stella's boss, Cobb. She only wished he treated her better and payed her more. Atticus fallows the rule of respect as well. But he respects everyone to the fullest extent. He respectseveryone and abides by the law so that people, like his children could look up to him. An example of his respect towards others is the way he talks to his children. He does not talk down to them, but as if they are intelligent. He also respects black people the same way as white. Both of these charecters fallow the same unspoken rule, the golden rule.

  2. Mal is overall a good person. He believes that everyone should be treated as equal for when his dad explained how he was going to be thrown off the land he responded with "that ain't right." He is very loyal and whenever he hears one of his friends are in trouble he goes out to rescue them, like when Emmett was getting trampled by the horses. If we were going to live life by the way of Mal, we would be loyal people with strong morals and I do believe that Mal does indeed have strong morals because although he may have killed many people, he did it to protect the lives of his friends and family. It all shows his true selflessness because he risked his life many times to help out his friends.

  3. According to what Stella told Paden, life is what you make of it. As audience members, we are encouraged to live in the moment and not be worried so much about the future. When Cobb threatens Paden to not do anything or he will be forced to kill Stella, she has a different idea about what he better do. She tells him that he should not be worried about her and that if he killed Cobb right now, nothing could happen to her in the future. Stella knows all too well that the future is what we choose to do with it, and that a problem is better solved now than later. Stella also knows that Cobb could kill her just as easily as he did the other employee, but knows that worrying about what he could do to her would get her nowhere at all. After watching this movie, Stella has taught me that I have nothing to fear about the future, and as along as I do my job correctly in the present, everything will have a way of falling into place.

  4. Emmett feels that when in a group of two, the one who is more experienced needs to look out for the more amateur of the duo. He shows this when Jake is taken hostage by the McKendricks, Emmett conjures up an idea (involving a cattle stampede) in order to free him. Another character who exhibits this is George from the book Of Mice And Men. George has always hung around with his best buddy Lennie. Lennie is not among the brightest and after getting into trouble with the ranch owner (due to killing his wife) he sets out on the run. George knows what these men after Lennie would do to him if they caught him, so in an effort to spare Lennie the suffering, George shoots Lennie in the head. This curt and painless death, as morbid as it may be, was actually a very protective gesture as it saved Lennie (basically his brother) unnecessary pain and agony. Again as dark as it may be, this was actually a friend looking after a friend just as Emmett truly cares for his brother Jake.

  5. I believe that the example we should follow is Emmet's code of protecting others and getting back up when we're down. When Emmet is in the cave and Mel tells them of what's going on, he rips off his head bandage and is ready to fight. Also, when he stands up for the town to the evil sherriff and his posse, he follows up on what he promises to do, like we all should to protect the ones we love.

  6. Stella from Silverado, and Atticus from To Kill a Mockingbird both follow the same unspoken rule of curiosity and respect. In Silverado, Stella greets everyone with respect, yet she seems to be curious about other certain things going on around town. For example, when Stella meets Paden she brings off her respectful, mature behavior but also shows Paden that there are things, even people that he should look out for. But for the most part, she stays quiet and gives everyone the equal amount of respect they deserve. This is similar to Atticus from To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus shows respect within the courthouse, and just to Tom Robinson overall. In the south, during his time, white people wouldn't usually jump on a case, protecting the rights of a black underclass man. But Atticus fights for this black man and shows respect for all people in his town. Atticus is very quiet about most things in general, but all in all, he shows the utmost respect and curiosity that Stella would from Silverado. They both follow the same unspoken rule of curiosity and respect.

  7. I agree with Alec on this one because Emmet always cared about the safety of other people life like when he was injured, and Mal told him that they got the boy, he immediately recovered, and went out to save his nephew. I also think Jake is a good example because they role he plays, he's always having fun at what his does and I think he's a likable character, in his position it basically means live life to the fullest and never back down.

  8. A code of conduct that Emmett, from Silverado, and Atticus, from To Kill A Mockingbird, both seem to follow is that they both look after and take care of their family. Emmett takes care of Jake by getting out of bad situations and looks after him by making sure he is safe and "okay" at all times. When Jake gets taken by the evil McKendricks, he leaves from his cave, while still injured and in pain,he chases after them to get his brother back. This shows no amtter how much is holding Emmett back, he will always take care of his brother and keep him safe. With Atticus, he is alkways keeping Jem and Scout away from bad things and keeping them safe. When Jem and Scout want to go with Atticus to Tom Robinson, he tells the kids they should stay home because "it is dangerous". He is doing what is best for the kids to keep them safe, just like Emmett. Atticus and Emmett are both very great leaders and strong mentally/phsically, but then again, they put the family before everything, to keep there family safe.

  9. We should all follow Stella's example of self-sacrifice. In the film, Cobb basically says that if Paden went aganist him, Stella would get hurt. When Paden mentions this to Stella, she does not like it. She does not approve of good people getting hurt for her sake. She tells Paden to fight back despite the dangers ahead of her. Stella is not afraid of the dangers coming her way. Just like Paden is going to fight back, she will too.

  10. Paden always seems to stand up for what he believes is right. He never really was that fond of Cobb ever since they stopped riding together, but now he was his boss. Paden did not hesitate at all to help Emmett and Jake to save their family, whether that means risking his own job and life and also the well-being of his good friend Stella. Paden indirectly encourages us to lead in our own ways and stand up for what you believe in.

  11. We should follow emmetts rule of thumb. Throughout the siveraddo scenes he was always looking out for his family and friends. He would do anything to keep them safe. When ever a person threatened the family, he would do what ever it costs to make them safe. He killed many people to get jake and his nephew back safely. It really shows where his priorities are. That skill will always come in handy in the real world, not the killing but the protecting your friends and family part.

  12. I think we should follow Mal's code of conduct which is to always be there for the people we love and put them first. There are several times in the movie where he shows this. One of the examples is how Mal was there just when he Dad needed him. When he found out his father was not being allowed to use his land Mal realized that it was not fair to his dad so even though he may not have wanted to, he stepped up an stuck up for his dad. The second time was how he went and told his sister about how their dad died and when he was there when she was sick. when Mal's dad died one of the first things he did was tell his sister because he wanted to be the one to tell her. When Mal was there for his sister when she was sick it showed that he was there for her when she needed him. When he found her sick slick was there and instead of Mal being focused on wether or not he could trust slick( if he would kill him or not) he just had an instinct to worry about his sister first. Mal could of easily not gone to find his sister but the fact that he was there shows the type of person he is and what code he lives by. I think we as audience should learn from this code of conduct Mal has.

  13. I think Mal's example of never abandoning one's family is a good rule to follow in life. The film does mention that he had left his family a long time ago. However, once he reunites with his sister, Rae, he persists on helping her with various issues. Rae ignores his help as she is upset that Mal had not returned when their family needed him the most. Mal perseveres and does not let his sister ignore him. At the end, he decides to settle in Silverado and not abandon his family again.

  14. Mal from silverado and Atticus from TKAM both share the same unspoken rule of protecting their sisters. Rae tried to get Mal out of jail and managed to stab the man, but she got shot. Mal did all he could to save Rae and even killed two men for her. He then rushed her to that blonde girl Jake likes. When Rae was shot and lying in the bed bery injured, Mal was right by her side. He protected her from Slick who almost killed Mal. He risked his life just to protect his sister.In the book TKAM, Jem saved Scout from a certain death from Ewell. As he yelled out Run Scout Run!, he jumps on Ewell and does everything he can to save Scout, but ends up breaking his arm. These two characters are very sweet and will do anything to save their sisters.

  15. Emmett from Silverado seems to follow the unspoken rule that he wont start a fight or kill anyone unless they make the move first. He wont use his gun unless there is danger. Emmet didn't want any trouble until people messed with his family and then he was ready to kill someone. This is similiar to Atticus. Atticus was an obviuous pasafist so he didnt participate in violence. He didnt even own a gun even though he had the deadest shot in Maycomb. But when there was a mad dog on the loose, in order to protecct his community he shot the dog. Both Emmet and Atticus won't start violence unless there lives are in danger.

  16. The way that Emmett goes through the west is an example that we should look at in particular. Emmett's code is a simple one: help a friend in need and do not give in to other people's corruption. In multiple parts through out the movie does Emmett create this. First at the beginning of the movie when he sees Paden on the ground almost dead, he takes pity on him and decides to take care of him and the second example is when he sees what McKendrick is up to with the JOhnsons he sets out to help Mal.

  17. Anthony IvankovichMay 19, 2010 at 7:16 PM

    Paden from the movie Silverado seems to follow the unspoken rule that it does not matter if they are old friends or new friends, if they are bad and corrupt he does not want anything to do with them. Cobb apparently rode with Paden back in the day. The where very close, because they rode in the same posse. Then Paden stays behind for a dog that has been shot and ends up going to jail. Ater he gets out of Jail he meets Cobb again and sees that he is not the same Cobb that he knew back in the day. Cobb is the corrupt sheriff of Silverado. He wants Paden to join the "darkside'' but paden will not. He will not because he has found new friends that are worth more than that. he ends up having a duel with Cobb and kills him. THis shows that Paden likes to be in a good group with people that are not corrupt.

  18. Mal follows the code of conduct of following what is right. It is Mal's desire to do what is right. One example of Mal doing what is right is when he is shooting the people who are going after his posse. He may have been shooting at people which is wrong but he was doing it for a good cause which is right. Another example of Mal doing what is right is when Emmett was trampled by horses and then one of the guys was about to kill Emmett but then Mal comes and shoots the guy. Mal saved Emmett's life, therefore Mal did what is right. It is Mal's duty to do what is right.

  19. Mal follows the code of conduct of following what is right. It is Mal's desire to do what is right. One example of Mal doing what is right is when he is shooting the people who are going after his posse. He may have been shooting at people which is wrong but he was doing it for a good cause which is right. Another example of Mal doing what is right is when Emmett was trampled by horses and then one of the guys was about to kill Emmett but then Mal comes and shoots the guy. Mal saved Emmett's life, therefore Mal did what is right. It is Mal's duty to do what is right.

  20. I think Mal's code of conduct is to put family first, also innocent should always be victorious. We should follow his code of conduct. He always put family first no matter what. Even though he left at first, he decided to come back and start new. When he came back home, he realized that if family is gone he wouldn't have anyone else with him. When he father was in trouble, after the shot went off, he woke up and started running to where his father was. This is where Mal didn't want to lose anyone else since he lost his mother. From their he knew the guilty should get revenge and should be sent to where they belong. Also when Mal's sister Rae came to the jail, the police officer shot her then Mal choked the police officer until he was gone. He cared for his sister, and didn't want her to get hurt. In our lives, we have to learn that family will always be there. WE can always go to our family for anything. They won't leave us.

  21. I believe that Stella follows the rule of making sure that everyone is alright. When Stella finds out that Cobb had threatened Paden about hurting Stella, she wanted to make sure that Paden didn't worry about her and that Paden did what he had to do to make everything alright. When Rae was shot, Stella was the one who took her in and risked her life just to save Rae's. She knew the dangers of what she was doing and still kept on with it all. Her constant action to make sure that everyone is safe and doing ok before hers is something that people should respect and try to do in life

  22. Hannah from Silverado and Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird both have the same code of conduct, which is no matter who you are, be yourself and follow what your heart wants to do. Hannah from Silverado doesn't want to be feminine because it is not like her. She wants to work all day and make her land beautiful. She also doesn't really care what she looks like, she wants to farm and grow crops. Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird is a tomboy throughout the whole book. Scout doesn't want to wear dresses or sip tea. She wants to play in the mud and wear overalls and pants. Scout also doesn't want to do anything that would make her more like a girl, so she does reckless things to make herself more like a guy (i.e. rolling in the tire, going into the Radley’s yard). Hannah and Scout follow the same code of conduct, which is following your heart’s desire.

  23. Emmett follows a very good rule that we should all follow, to think about others. Emmett thinks about other people throughout the movie, he's a very unselfish person because he will put himself through what ever danger to make sure the ones that are close to him will be safe. He risks his life by fighting all those bad deputies at the house where they were keeping his nephew. All it took was one bullet to get him killed but he took that chance so he could rescue his nephew.

  24. I think that Emmet from Silverado and Jem from To Kill a Mockingbird have a similar code of conduct. Emmet has to care for his younger brother and Jem has to care for his younger sister. They are both involved in life threatening situations while saving their siblings. Emmet has to rescue Jake from prison, and again when he gets taken captive by the McHendricks. Jem takes care of Scout when she almost gets killed by Bob Ewell. They both need help though, Emmet gets helped by Mal, and Jem gets helped by Boo Radley.

  25. Emmet from Silverado and Jem from To Kill A Mockingbird both share the same unspoken rule of always protecting their families. Emmet puts himself through very dangerous situations to save his nephew from the antagonists in the film Silverado. They had taken Emmit's nephew from his home and although Emmit was injured, he recovered as quickly as he could to save Oggy. He put himself into harms way to make sure Oggy would be safe and hurt the people who caused his family pain. Jem, from To Kill A Mockingbird, also showed very heroic attempts to save his family. While Mr. Ewell was attacking the two kids, Jem yelled for Scout to run away so she would not be in danger. Although Jem would have been left alone with the attacker, he still wanted Scout to be in the safety of their own home and not out in the darkness with Mr. Ewell. Both of these characters showed incredible amounts of courage and protectiveness for their families and thats what makes them very much alike.

  26. The character Paden from the movie Silverado and George from the book Of Mice and Men both follow the same unspoken code to ensure self survival before others but to do what they believe is right. Paden demonstrates this code when he agrees to stay out of Cob's way but he changes his mind when Cob's men took a little boy hostage. This shows how Paden tried to ensure self survival by keeping his job with Cob but he changes his mind to do what is right by helping free the boy. The same is true for George when he goes out of his way to help and guide Lennie but after Lennie accidently killed a girl, George did what was right and killed Lennie. George and Paden come from completely different worlds but none the less share the same unspoken code.

  27. Emmett follows the unspoken rule to not pick fights. In the whole movie Silverado Emmett doesn't start one fight. He might attack in order to solve a problem but he won't just pick fights. Another character that follows this rule is George from "Of Mice and Men". You can tell this because George specifically tells Lennie to avoid trouble. If he didn't want to avoid starting fights then there is no way that George would give Lenny this advice. These characters both exemplify this rule by avoiding useless fights which is the whole reason of the rule.

  28. Mal's code of conduct is to put family first, never give up, and help out friends when they are in need. Even though Mal was kicked out of the bar where he clearly was not welcomed, he never gave up. He never permanently left like he was asked, but instead he stayed and saved a friends life. He also came back for his family and noticed his father needed his help, so he did what he could, but his father ended up dying in the end anyways. Mal still never gave up, even after his sister rejected his cry for help. He continued to find the men who killed his father and help out his friends at the same time, without stopping until the job was done.

  29. Emmett follows the unspoken rule to not pick fights. In the whole movie Silverado Emmett doesn't start one fight. He might attack in order to solve a problem but he won't just pick fights. Another character that follows this rule is George from "Of Mice and Men". You can tell this because George specifically tells Lennie to avoid trouble. If he didn't want to avoid starting fights then there is no way that George would give Lenny this advice. These characters both exemplify this rule by avoiding useless fights which is the whole reason of the rule.

  30. Paden from Silverado follows the unspoken rule to not trust anyone even if they are offering a good deal. The sheriff hired Paden to work for him and started to believe his old "riding group" would come together, until he saw the sheriff shoot the fired employee point blank. The same rule applies for Atticus from 'To Kill a Mockingbird' when Mr. Ewell was found murdered. The actual murderer tried to convince Atticus he was innocent by saying he was murdered with a different knife. Atticus did not believe it and proved him guilty. Both Paden and Atticus share the same unspoken rule to not trust anybody in desperate times

  31. I think that Mal is most similar to Heck Tate in To Kill A Mockingbird. I think this because in the movie Silverado, Mal sticks up for everything he believes in and never likes to see people hurt. When he sees his friends or siblings injured he goes after the people who hurt them because it seems to me that it is "what they deserve". He puts other people before himself in every situation possible. An example is when Mal risked his life and went after McCormik because he captured Jake and his little kid. Heck Tate on the other hand, puts others before himself as well. An example from the book is when Jem and Scout get attacked and Heck finds Bob Ewell under a tree with a kitchen knife in his stomach. Heck tells Atticus Bob tripped and fell on the knife, even though he really knows that Boo Radely did it. This was because Heck knew that Boo did not want all the attention and was just watching out for his neighbors. Overall, they are simlar because they both put other people before himself.

  32. In Silverado, Mal always put others before himself. He always is looking out for others, especially his friends and his sister. When Emmett is ambushed by the men who killed Mal's father, Mal shows up and fights off the men before they seriously injure Emmett. Then Mal takes care of Emmett's wounds and injuries. Also, Mal never gave up on Rae. Rae was very sick in the end of the movie and was almost killed by Slick but once again Mal was there to save the day.

  33. In Silverado, Mal is always there for his friends or family no matter what situation they are in. Even if he is at risk of dying he was always there. For example when Emmett was getting trampled by horses Mal was right there to save him before he got killed. I think that Mal's morals are the best to live by because if we are always there for our friends and family no matter what, it will always pay off in the end.

  34. In Silverado, Mal was always there for his friends and family whenever they need him. Even if it meant he had a chance of dying. Mal was always there to save to day. For example when Emmett was getting trampled by horses, Mal was right there to save him before he died. I think that Mal's morals are the best to live by because he shows that if you are always there for your friends and family it will pay off in the end.

  35. Mal for the most part tries to do whatnos right. When we first met him in the saloon, he was stripped of his rights and he believed that that was wrong. When something is unjust or imoral, he is always the first one to stand up and do something about it instead of turning a blind eye. Mal's rule is that if something is wrong, then to do nothing is as bad, if not worse, then actually comitting the injustice.

  36. The character Mal from Silverado, and Jem from To Kill a Mockingbird, both share the unspoken conduct of looking after their sisters. Mal was on Rae's bed side where she was injured, and killed two other men to protect her. One of those men being Slick, who was close to Rae. Rae tried to get Mal out of jail, and that shows that family will always be there for you. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Jem saves Scout from Bob Ewell. Jem protected Scout from getting hurt, and risked himself for her. Both Mal and Jem are very good, and kind brothers, and that is what both characters share.

  37. The character Emmet in the movie Sivlerado shows a remarkable amout of courage and self sacrifice. The character Atticus from to kill a mockingbird also shows those same qualities. Emmet was practically defeated when he wanted to save his brother and Auggie from their terrible fate. Even though wounded, he worked as hard as he could to protect them.Atticus was almost defeated as well. He was to take on the task of defending and protecting Tom Robinson, a black man accused of rape. Deep down in his gut he knew that the chance of him winning the case, was just above impossible. with that being said, Atticus still went on and defended Tom Robinson. Both of these characters are indefinitely couragous. always doing the right thing no matter what dangers are ahead. And self sacrificing, Always doing the right thing no matter what will happen to them.

  38. The character Emmit form "Silverado" and the character George from "Of Mice and Men" both follow the rule of no man left behind. They both have to look after people in their lives and make sure that the those people stay safe. In the Beggining "Of Mice and Men" George helps Lenney get out of trouble by telling him where to go and by leading him to safety. in "Silverado" Emmit walks into town and finds out that his younger brother,Jake, is in Jail and is going to be lynched by morning. He helps Jake bail out of jail and he burns the lynch stand and they both ride out of town. Emmit and George never leave people behind.

  39. Chelsea JerominskiMay 20, 2010 at 6:45 AM

    Emmett in the moving Silverado displays the unspoken law of caring deeply for his family. He always does things that are in the best interest for his family, even if it will hurt him. When Emmett was ran over by the horse and hurt, he was staying with Mal to recuperate. He tried to go out and help, but he was to sick to do so. But when Mal told him that "they took the little boy" he shot up and ran out to help his family, dispite still being hurt. Also, Emmett risked his life to break his brother out of jail. He said that he had to do it as he told his sister they would be coming back together, and he couldn't bear to hurt her that way. Emmett sacrificed his own well-being many times for the welfare of his family. After viewing the film, I think is as audience members should live the same was Jake did. We should all care for our family and put them above us because we care for them and love them.

  40. I would say emmits law is no one gets left behind. He cares for his family alot and friends so he does not want to see any of them get hurt and like when Jake gets taken he didn't have to go after him but he did anyone because that is his one law no man gets left behind. He also helps alot of friends out. Like mal he stock up for him in the saloon so he didn't get sent to hang.

  41. I believe that Emmet and Atticus follow the same unspoken rule of honor and integrity and respect. Most of the characters in movies and books can be shady and have some good and bad traits, but these two men are the best of the best. They are always on the look out to help others and i admire both of them for the attitude they keep throughout their respective stories.

  42. In the movie Silverado, Paden has one rule and that is to do whatever is right while making sure that it benefits him also. For instance, when Cobb threatened Paden that if he does not follow his wishes in the way that he states t, and then he will have "no choice" but to kill Stella. As a result, Paden finds Stella and hides her while he goes and hunts down and kills Cobb. Once he accomplishes it, he takes the role of the sheriff of Silverado. His final message of the movie tells viewers that no matter what, always do what is right, even though it may hurt you.

  43. I believe that Emmet from "Silverado" and Boo Radley from "To Kill a Mockingbird" follow the same unspoken rule of caring for others. Emmet shows that he cares for others by risking his life multiple times to save the ones he loves. He risks his life two times for his brother when he is in jail, and when he is taken hostage. He also risks his life to save his sister's family when they are held hostage. By risking his life for people close to him he shows that he follows the unspoken rule of caring for others. Boo Radley also follows this rule by giving Jem and Scout tons of cool pieces of junk that kids would love. Not only that, but he sews up Jems pants for him after he had gotten them stuck in Radley house fence. Not only does he do nice things for them, but he risked his life to save Jem and Scout by killing a man who would have killed them if Boo werent so brave and caring. These two men both show the unspoken rule of caring for others because of these traits.

  44. In the movie Silverado, Paden has one rule and that is to do whatever is right while making sure that it benefits him also. For instance, when Cobb threatened Paden that if he does not follow his wishes in the way that he states t, and then he will have "no choice" but to kill Stella. As a result, Paden finds Stella and hides her while he goes and hunts down and kills Cobb. Once he accomplishes it, he takes the role of the sheriff of Silverado. His final message of the movie tells viewers that no matter what, always do what is right, even though it may hurt you.

  45. Paden's unspoken rule is "my way or the highway". That would be a very important rule to follow as it helps your self-confidence. "My way or the highway" requires you to be extremely confidence in your actions, as it requires you to persuade something to do what you want to do. This helps keep your self confidence up so people can't walk over you and make decisions for you.

  46. Mal has a very important unspoken rule that we can learn alot from, that rule is treating others how you would like to be treated. He shows that rule by helping Emmett when he is not feeling good and helps him with their important misson, we can benefit alot in our lives from this simple rule

  47. I believe that Mal's unspoken rule that we can learn from is his loyalty to people. When Mal was in the bar, Emmett and Paden stood up for him and said that he wasn't doing anything wrong. Mal never forgot that. he was loyal to the men that tried to help him by helping them escape from the sheriff by shooting at him when he was chasing Emmett and Paden. He was also loyal to his sister even though she was not good to him. When a man shot Ray, he grabbed the man and killed him to protect her. Mal wants people to live their lives on the basis of loyalty.
